Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,000,213 Issue: 593 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y15
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I Like That Philosopher Wig

And here's how I got it!

by andy94174
Plot Paranoia: Treasure

War has broken out but some Neopians didn't get the memo.

Concept by j_harkness

by umbreon133

Group of Silly #2

Where is a white flag when you need one?

Also by star_chess

by my_littlle_cheeka

Budding Trouble - Part 2

Thanks to the help chat for emptying their SDBs to get me items for those last three panels!

by jupebox
When the Obelisk Appeared... II


Written by pikachu315111

by nj_kitty_1


Zerb's great sacrifices for the obtainment of avatars...

by xxlifexdeniedxx
Musepaper: Toybox Escape

One of these is not like the others.

by eaudenil
Title In Question

Oh my gosh, Musique, you can't just ask people why they're alive.

by catcloud9
Faerie Punch Lines

I ran this joke by an earth faerie... she seemed fine with it.

by classicmess
Playing NeoQuest II Can Be Really Dangerous!

Lately at Neoquest II...

by missjoaniewonderful
Ice Sculpture Contest

Coolest 'sculpture' I ever saw...

by foxity
Potatoes - Treestumps

Featuring Leeleah & Xenaedra!

by breaziecat


by ghostkomorichu
I See What You Did There


by clydesdale
Lawyerbot and the Dastardly Dung Design

Many a KeyQuester has often wondered...

by crystallus
Hanso's Charisma


by marzipan
Scorto's Adventures: Me Hearties!

Scorto and Blumu try to understand what a pirate is saying them in the premier of Scorto's Adventures.

by john3637881
Ink Tales - Whatcha Drawing?

Whatcha drawing, Ink? Let's see.

by inkvomit
Crooked Line

Maaaan, do yo homework!

by autumn_holidays
Hungry Kads

Candy Peas aren't enough for a meal.

by epicgiggle
S.H.P - Neezles

Good to be sick?

by kungenavmaskrosor
A Series of Rather Unremarkable Events

Using the battledome is hard.

by wizard_of_duh
3 Royals Plus 1

Oooooooh, cookieee!

by white_tiger0226
Sharp Strokes

Seems like I'll have to update the logo soon...

by luciantheblaze
Don't Be Grey; Be Green!


Also by tealnova_dragon

by xcanary

Neopian Heroes: Hanso

Hanso and The Fan Girls

by hoyunjoyce
Wet Paint - Sock Shenanigans

There's a reason you can't find any socks...

by glittergirl7000
The Pant Devil's Day

Just an ordinary day in the life of the Pant Devil.

by _papercranes
The Zany Jelly: Choco Cybunny

Note: Never mistake real chocolate Cybunnies as food.

by adrian13_56
Sketch Parade

Our winged protectors, everybody.

by glitt_

I need to level up...

by taybabatool123
P3 vs P2

Likarat LOVES little creatures... except Spyders.

by sparkles_a18
Unidentifiable Weak Bottled Faerie

There's a Tier 1 protection spell on this bottle for a very good reason.

by neo111186
Visiting the Mystic - 3

Welcome to my little hut.

by pleasant_company
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Famous Lupes

As we celebrate Lupe Day, we take the time to appreciate and have a look at what these friendly, adventurous creatures have given us. Aside from being our very loyal friends, Lupes are very well known through-out Neopia. They have inspired us in many ways, such as a show of unyielding...

Other Stories


Kreludan Recipes: Rocket Cookie
"I think there's something wrong with the book," she said, and to demonstrate, she pressed the button that read "Rocket Cookie."

by homersiliad


The Forgotten Faerie
What is a space faerie without a time faerie?

by marauder_on_da_loose


Neopian Milestones
Issue 600 of the Neopian Times is coming up quickly – what a milestone, and definitely worth celebrating! And there are plenty of other milestones around Neopia that are worth a pat on the back or a barrage of confetti.

by fantasyeyesuk


I Think I Swallowed A Bug - A Flycatcher Trophy Guide
A game guide where swallowing bugs is a good thing!

by quiggles_r_kewl_1


The Keepers: Part Three
The moment they arrived on the hill, Arthur warned Kendrick not to step toward the battle. The spotted Shoyru didn't really need the warning, as he had no intentions of doing so in the first place, but his uncle's voice was extremely stern...

by kandeegrrl


Desert Journey: Part Six
"Why did you save me? You could have left me to finish your goal..."

by cureleantwilight

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