Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,157,662 Issue: 598 | 7th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Budding Trouble - Part 7

Brichubi, you are a horrible detective.

by jupebox
Fashion Wars!

It's all about beauty and fashion!

by deathnote
*Face Palm* 3


Idea by bananerr

by glitterrpop

The Misadventures of a Grumpy Plumpy

What... is... THIS??

by gypsychic420
An Overlooked Advantage

I've been thinking.

by tudorrose1558
The Goofers - Terror Mountain, part 4

Our day has been ruined!

by lintsuf

Actually, you're just not good at this game.

by thesovietivan
Who's the Boss?

Welcome, everyone, to the Virtupets Space Station!

by mhchristine
Battledome Woes

We're going to dominate.

by admonisher
The Problem with Being a Seeker

How unfortunate.

by cannizarro
Oh No, That Fanatic Techo Again...

Soley is running to the goal!!!

by sakura_dreamer
Team Spirit

and pretentious Neovians

by irasshai
Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Appreciation

It's Petpet Appreciation Day!

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

A Day in the Life of a Relatively Normal Family

Which team to support?

by soderham
Contrast: Altador Cup

Talk about Girl Power!

by jojomoonless

Usually that starts in mid June.

by twillieblossom
Drop Everything!

There are more important things on the horizon.

by wuv_shadow
Scorto's Adventures: Altador Cup Cost

Some fans are willing to sacrifice anything to go to a game of Yooyuball...

by john3637881
...::: Yooyus Are Nasty :::...-Clockwork-

You think yooyus are cute? You are mistaken...

by chlo26
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"Losing Our Sister" by heartachexoxo
I have always looked up to my older sister even though she's a Baby Korbat. She always knows how to make me smile and laugh; she cannot speak very well, but the sounds she makes makes my heart flutter. She's beautiful and I will always love her, but I will never forget the day that I almost lost her. It was a chilly day around Halloween and...

Other Stories


Tim and the Omelette
Tim is a very hungry and adventurous little Kadoatie!

by _papercranes


Losing Our Sister
I have always looked up to my older sister even though she's a Baby Korbat. She always knows how to make me smile and laugh; she cannot speak very well, but the sounds she makes makes my heart flutter. She's beautiful and I will always love her, but I will never forget the day that I almost lost her.

by heartachexoxo


Bringing Default Back
Some things are surely overlooked.

Also by neo527539

by marcthegr8est1


How Do You Judge Your Fellow Neopians?
When you're chatting with people on the Neoboards, what aspect of their personality do you zero in on?

by indulgences


The Mysterious Case of the Missing Skeith: Part Seven
As the group boarded the ship for Krawk Island, Sadie and Sylvette haltingly informed their brothers about the recent turn of events. Suffice it to say, none of them were too pleased...

Also by fuliguline

by creambiskit


A Tale of Two Bori: Part Six
Trealiy stepped cautiously forward, leaving the rocky bluff behind him and heading into the tall fields of grass. It was as though when he left his old life behind, he had entered the medieval world of his favorite book...

by jjquil

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