For an easier life Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Continued Series

A Wizards Beginning: Part Nine

His eyes returned to a dark black, all signs of evil disappearing. But Ramek saw a flicker of red in the eye. The evil wasn't gone. It couldn't be fully defeated...

by sirussblack
A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Seven

"No, but we have to get to the Saave before those knights do. We have to get Manov," she answered.

by rabbitofkittyhawk
True Friends: Part Three

Becca's eyes slid sideways, to the table where all of her friends--ex-friends--sat, laughing and talking...

by extreme_fj0rd
Playing The Part: Part Six

"Hey, lights geek! I want those bright shiny things in my face during this rehearsal! I'm the star of the show, and everyone's going to be watching me!"

by precious_katuch14
Jhudora's Weakness: Part Four

I avoided the club, but I was caught on the shoulder with a fist. I winced; I was going to have a huge bruise there tomorrow...

by nadine_clark
Cruor Stilla: Part Four

He had been so into acting like a friend that he forgot that's all it was--acting. He noticed this suddenly when she suggested that it had been fun, and he tried to remind himself that he was mad at her...

by eikomei
Harmless Wishes: Part Four

Sweat poured down his fruity face. His heart drummed inside his chest. The Lupe smiled at him. A famished smile. Chi gulped...

by ladyariel32
Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Four

The starry Kougra put the heavy telescope to his right eye. Looking at the horizon, he saw a ship...

by cpmtiger
For The Life of a Pirate: Part Three

She tried to calm herself down, telling herself that there were a lot of orange Krawks and that most of them were probably pirates. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had a clue at last, after years of fruitless search...

by nut862
The Son of Sahkmet: Part Three

They'd all seen his eyes so filled with love as he stared at that little Usul. How could she have done such a thing?

by twirlsncurls5
Teaching Mr. Bristle: Part Three

"I've recently gotten a few complaints from parents and students that you have not been a particularly good teacher for these past two days," the principal said again in his stuck-up voice.

by springsteen0991
Home < High Seas: Part Two

Thus she was in the perfect spot to listen when he began expounding tales of his bravery and past conquests. He rattled on and on, his subordinates doing their best not to look bored. But Desterenel...

by destervetha
EndingArrow: Part Two

They wanted to invite us over to their world for the evening, just for a friendly get-together. It was the last thing I would have expected...

by sara_mossflower
Johnny's Story: Part Two

"You're in the Pound, kid," the blue Pteri said, chuckling. "And 'till you get adopted, you ain't getting out."

by sarahsuk
How I Saved Neopia From the Gleep: Part Two

"I believe it is traditional for you to…take us to your leader? Yes, that will do fine for starters…so, Neopian! Take us…to your leader!"

by tambourine_chimp
DeSoni's Potion Predicament: Part Two

As one, three silver-suited six-eared Alien Aishas stood and pulled out weapons...

by appaloosa500
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"Razzle Dazzle" by battlesunn
"But look!" Emily interjected, jabbing a rusty brown paw at the paper. "It says here that there's a dance component to the presentation as well!"

Other Stories


Razzle Dazzle
"Okay, so we can't dance traditionally. That doesn't mean that we can't do modern dance."

by battlesunn


When I Grow Up...
The teacher was quite amused. She'd heard from everyone, and she was very happy to see how much the children in her class cooperated. But then she noticed Psellia, in the corner...

by azn_suga_babe


Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back - Guide
The basis of the game is that you, a Wocky, have a job to do, and a swarm of evil fire spitting bugs aren’t making your day any easier.

Also by undeadfortune

by jeffc_7227


Food Club: A Guide for Beginners
Do you like the idea of 20 pirates stuffing themselves silly just so that you can make a little bit more? Then Food Club is definitely the game for you!

by blobenterprises


The Adventures of El Picklesaur Plushie: Episode 3
Episode 3: "Whack-a-Staff-Member". Quick! Go get your hammers.

by dragonball_queen


Science Is Wet
This is a perfect example of how bothersome brothers can be... Poor Chila!

by ambrielle15

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