Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 142,874,434 Issue: 200 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y7
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Continued Series

A Wizards Beginning: Part Twelve

"Now, let's get started. We don't have much time," the green Ruki said and hurried to the middle of the living room...

by sirussblack
Playing The Part: Part Nine

"Do I look cool, or do I look cool?" He swished the pretend sword around and nearly thwacked a nearby white Zafara beside him...

by precious_katuch14
Harmless Wishes: Part Seven

"How many wishes can we make before it loses its magic?" Yuki fired at her.

by ladyariel32
Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Seven

The tan Kougra's smile widened at the look on Avalon's and Ash's faces. He seemed slightly amused that they had just realized who he was...

by cpmtiger
The Son of Sahkmet: Part Six

"Well as I said, she was yelling at him in blazing fury, and what she screamed I'll never forget. She said 'It was Coltzan who imprisoned me and I'll see to it that no child of his shall ever take the throne again'."

by twirlsncurls5
Teaching Mr. Bristle: Part Six

She tossed her backpack onto her bed, then proceeded back downstairs. I wonder what this could be about, she thought to herself...

by springsteen0991
Home < High Seas: Part Five

Indeed, every ship they captured was sighted by Desterenel's piercing amber eyes. She became an invaluable resource to the Grey Feather...

by destervetha
EndingArrow: Part Five

How had they found me? I brandished the Windscythe threateningly. "What are you doing here?" I demanded.

by sara_mossflower
Curses, Inside-Out: Part Four

Lisha, of course, utterly ignored him when he entered, her finger tracing along a line from the scroll in front of her and a line of concentration between her brows...

Also by dreagoddess

by schefflera

By My Honor: Part Four

She glanced blearily to Aratisil, pale in the weak morning light, and saw that he was even filthier. Then she looked to her captors, seeing them for the first time...

by laurelinden
Confessions of a Bookworm: Part Two

No one joined me on the way to school, but I didn't mind. After all, a bookworm's supposed to be alone, right?

by shadowcristal
The Swashbuckler Within: Part Three

Dragyte surveyed the run-down, decrepit building before him and grimaced. "So," he grumbled, "this is supposed to be the Pizzaroo place, eh?"

by mimed
Mushroom for Phila: Part Three

Then the door opened very slowly. There was nobody in sight but the whispering got louder...

by ssjelitegirl
The Pirate Letter: Part Two

I listened to the silence of my Neohome. Life has been different since Firaga left, like a piece of Mystery Island was gone...

by czenko28
Superficial: Part Two

"Bullying my sister, Uni?" asked the Gelert, her voice dripping with contempt. "Just because she's not as pretty as you, or as rich, or painted, that just means you can push her in the dirt as you want to, doesn't it?"

by shelleylow
Twisted Turns Of Fate: Part Two

Jeran sat miserably in the dungeon cell with Quenten. His whole reputation would be ruined, his hero-status demolished...

by __devils_angels__
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“Our Two Hundredth Edition!” it triumphantly declares. Puzzled, you peer at it further. Apparently, the publication is celebrating some sort of achievement. But now you are perplexed. You know exactly what to do with normal issues of the Times, but...

Other Stories


ChristmasxMiracle’s Quest for a Kadoatie
I had always longed for a Kadoatie, from the first moment I set eyes on one...

by jenispecial


Sloth and the Coffee Conundrum
Sloth took a huge gulp of his coffee. Aaah, caffeine. Just the thing he needed to wake himself up for the long day ahead of him...

by perfect_eternal


131. Use it to make a suit of armor for yourself! Paper is the new iron, you know.

Also by dragonx325

by rosabellk


Rolling in the Neopoints
Turmac Roll is not a game where you have levels, or lives… (or a peashooter for that matter), so you just have to play the game in one try.

by sherailin


Thanks for Doing a Good Deed....?
Welcome to the feeding frenzy.

by lissy_chan


Smelly Nelly Crossover
Don't worry, it's perfectly clean...

by leoness

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