Continued Series
 | Sand Daughter: Part SixThe journey through the desert was a mere
four-day walk - why on Neopia was it taking so long? He'd helped them when the
bandits had interfered - were they expecting him to carry them through the desert?
Also by smurfafied1800
by sara_mossflower |  | Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part SixAsh swung her own blade, the jagged iron sides
whistling as they cut through the air. The Gelert nearest her dodged the blow
as well, and Ash growled her frustration. A Gelert appeared outside the circle, walking
almost daintily. Her fur, like the other Gelerts, was a rich black...
by cpmtiger |  | Trapped Within a Dream: Part FiveSo it turned out that the bright, celadon green-carpeted
waiting room, Hally realized with a lump in her throat, was truly the most aesthetic
part of the Pound. It didn't get any better for the eyes, or the soul...
by chibicelchan |  | Who Needs a Royal Paint Brush? III: Part FiveShe hurtled at the door and threw it open, completely
out of breath. "XWAY!" she bellowed. "IT'S -- ME -- CUNI --"
by 3dcourtney12044 |  | Darigan's Truce: Part Four"Mr. Scary! Wait!" The child's cry came again,
and as he turned around, he saw a little Usul running as fast as she could towards
the castle. He watched as she ducked under the legs of the bystanders and darted
into the thoroughfare, past the astounded guards...
by darkwater_nereid |  | Midnight over Meridell: Part FourIt was midnight, the next day. At least, it was midnight
- I had lost track of time due to the constant night...
by ratling_guardian |  | Never Wish to Fly: Part FourEven though Glia had decided not to turn back
upon the sight of the house, she was now having second thoughts, seeing it up
close. The wood was pitch black, almost blending in with the many surrounding
trees, smelling somewhat rotten, and splintering at the mere touch...
by puppy200010 |  | Ummagine: Part ThreeFrom here he was close enough to see. That fat
blue Skeith Jamaar had been a fool, holding the white Ummagine in his hand...
by shadowcristal |  | Space Flight: Part ThreeKade sighed. "Keep an eye on the blue Grundo, Jeran, and-"
She stopped when she turned around and saw he wasn't anywhere near her. "Now where
did he go?" she wondered out loud...
by plutoplus1 |  | The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Traded Turdle - Part Three "That's a pretty interesting theory, Your Highness,"
I replied, shifting on the velvet sofa. "But what makes you so sure that someone
would be able to accomplish this?"
by playmobil_is_my_life |  | The Jackals of Sakhmet - Kasha's Plot: Part Three"Quick, hide!" Lee whispered fiercely, tugging
on Omar's robes and pulling him behind the closest shelf. The two of them hastily
disguised themselves in the shadows of the towering shelves...
by arrielle5 |  | A Hand to Guide You: Part ThreeWhile traveling
through the purplish-blackness, I was again grabbed by the hands and whisked
away, this time through a small rip in the fabric of time. I landed with a thud
on a green, grassy hill, tumbling head over heels down the rolling slope...
by spunkyclaire |  | A Royal Quest: Part Two"Hey, look," said Fighter. "I see the faeries landing. They
are early; we won't be under Faerieland for about twenty more minutes.... Those
aren't faeries there..."
by poopdoo134 |  | Escape: Part TwoIn two more steps he realized just why the security
was so lax on this floor. Not three feet in front of him lay an enormous shadow
gelert! Its jaws easily had the magnitude of a grarrl’s...
by firedragon9078 |  | The Lost Desert Dagger: Part TwoI was still where I had lain down to sleep a few hours ago; cool sand
dunes stretching in all directions as far as the eye could see, illuminated
dully by the sliver of a moon hanging lazily in the desert sky...
by scarrift |
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Sparks of Inspiration
One of the most common questions I see is: what inspired you? A question that I find quite hard to answer. Sometimes ideas just pop into people’s heads. Sometimes another writer inspired their writing. Sometimes a question asked by someone else, a ‘what if’ question, for instance, makes ideas come rolling. But what sparks your story?
Other Stories
Achieving Flight She was the youngest of her owner's pets, created
just three months ago. Created as green Pteri, created with the desire to fly
in her heart...
by lost_desert_girl |
The Daring Dish Dash Tippy the Snowbunny did the
only thing a Snowbunny of his height, weight, personal emotions, social standings,
income, fur color and ear length would do. He screeched at the top of
his lungs.
by katiea14 |