A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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Continued Series

Murgoh: Part Twelve

"Hang on, Melissa," he said. "I'm going to try and pull you up."

by zephandolf
Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Eleven

"I see the army is already here!" the Yellow Knight shouted. Kass thought he heard Jeran growl...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude

A Hero's Journey: Part Six

Making sure that Rohane didn't see him, he snuck around him, careful not to disturb his little brother...

by precious_katuch14
Searching For Paradise: Part Nine

Allehya sighed. "It's getting dark," she said, green eyes glinting in the fading light. "We'd better head back to the caves."

by cpmtiger
To Be a Pirate: Part Eight

"So it worked," said Scarblade, triumphantly eyeing the Lupe. He turned to face the crew of the Black Pawkeet...

by lolazgirl
Sleeping Beauty: Part Six

I grunted and looked bleary-eyed at the note. There was a part that I must have skipped over the day before...

by ruff_zette
Taking the Long Way: Part Five

He looked up at the sound of a voice just outside his cell door and saw a pair of green eyes staring back at him through the bars...

by senya
Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part Five

"Um…" I said, looking around again, and then up, "I'd say we climb the spikes and see where we end up…"

by ratling_guardian
The Five Kaus: Part Four

"A Red Kau broke into the Space Station and decimated the defenders earlier today. It continued to rampage throughout the Space Station until it disappeared..."

by jacob133
As the Clouds Clear: Part Four

"We have a new matter on our hands to deal with tonight. These two pets, Nilika and Jacob, have returned to our island. We must decide how to deal with them."

by puppy200010
Treasure of the Caves: Part Three

"There's no telling what the day will bring, so we'll have to eat well," Kat claimed, getting up...

by ssjelitegirl
The Ruby Heart: Part Three

"Yes, your past," my mother started in a sweet melodic voice. "It began fifteen and a half years ago..."

by kindheartedfairy
Roomies: Part Three

"What do you want?" she said, tired. Her hair was a mess, sticking all over her face, for she had just crawled out of bed...

by vanessa1357924680
Return of Seamstress Cybunny: Part Three

When I regained consciousness, I looked around. I saw a strange laboratory...

by anime_cybunny
Faerie Forest: Part Two

The Cybunny kept running, but it was no use. She didn't seem to be going anywhere...

by lavendergoddess79
The Treasured Diary: Part Two

"GUAR-" Fenmere started to shout, when the Draik flew at him in a blur of red and stifled his cry with an icy claw...

by twirlsncurls5
The Search for the Tooth Faerie: Part Two

"And WHEN we do find her," Strife added, "I can thank her for the Neopoints and everyone will know I'm right!"

by silentbutterfly
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Giving Better Gifts

February, the Month of Awakening... as in awakening late on the 15th with a lump on your head after having given your dearest neofriend a Packet of Gravel for Valentine's Day? Don't ask me how I know. I just know. *shifty eyes* You are not alone. Each year, thousands of Neopians hit the shops in hopes of finding the "perfect" gift...

Other Stories


I, Opelia, your ordinary Buzz, was about to be painted ELECTRIC! I was so ecstatic!

by grapesourhorse


The One that Got Away
As Dr. Yelp led her down the sterile halls, Xweetiepea noticed that there weren’t very many patients; most of the rooms were empty...

by arthursmom


The Symol Hole: What Lies Within
It's a hole in the ground that supposedly has 'treasure' hidden inside its winding tunnels and rooms. But is there really anything down there?

by freyaoe


Chapter Four - Slime Recipes
"Chapter Four," she muttered to herself, "Slime Recipes…" She grinned as she opened to the chapter, reading thoroughly five recipes which would fill her slime craving…

by mistoffelees_cat


What you need if you wanna be the new Dr. Sloth.

by firefree_girl


The Neo397s

by isaiahdjkim

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