Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 265 | 10th day of Storing, Y8
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Continued Series

Needed Adventure: Part Twelve

Enzo's brow furrowed. He didn't quite understand the question, but the other wild pets all looked at him expectantly. "Well, I... I mean, we all did it. It just took a little teamwork..."

by tdyans
They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Twelve

On the first day of eighth grade, Mel was sitting at her desk in class, when Chad came running up to her. "Mel, Mel, I just heard... Have you heard?" the red Lupe questioned, looking eager and a little worried...

by sytra
What Lies Hidden in Your Closet: Part Six

"This time, unlike all the other times I had drunk her potions, I did notice a change. Before drinking the potion, I had been a blue Aisha. After drinking the potion..."

by puppy200010
Rising Shadow: Part Five

"And if I choose to put myself in danger?" Darigan retorted, annoyed that a fuzzy little Kougra should think him incapable of handling the risk, as if he had never been in peril before...

by sarahleeadvent
At the AstroVilla: Part Six

Cypher had been up all night, examining every inch of the pathetic amount of evidence she had. After her fourth Pinanna Cappucino (which Dez had kindly delivered to her room), she sat in the same place... still with no further clues...

by kemppotatoe
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Five

Even as she shouted, the two Xweetoks heard a great scuffle, shouts, pounding on the doors, and then, "Surrender in the name of Emperor Sloth! Ruler of Neopia!"

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852

A Break in Memory: Part Four

A green Alien Aisha sat next to him. XP turned to say hi, as he knew C2 would, and the Alien Aisha shoved a blaster against XP's chest...

by appaloosa500
Ties to the Wanderer: Part Three

"Now that you mention it, the most I remember is my name," he said, a look of utter confusion crossing his face. "Other than that, I'm blank about the rest of me..."

Also by draikmistress123

by neokitten4

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Three

On a beautiful summer morning in Meridell, something happened that had never happened before; Mareian the pirate Lupess was awake before Danner. This alone should have been warning to the blue Wocky to just take the day off...

by nimras23
Silver Flames: Part Two

"A new recruit, Sylva," the fire Kyrii answered swiftly. I was a bit suspicious, but I almost believed that she planned to make me a part of their cloaked club. Maybe that was what she planned. If that wasn't the case, she seemed to be a very good liar...

by scar19
Everyone Has a Name: Part Two

Around the next bend she came to, Demon ran headlong into something else. This time, however, it didn't hurt. It felt like softened rubber and she just bounced off. The creature resembled a green bouncy ball with an equally green tail. A long, green tail...

by dark_goddess_rising
The Thirteenth Key: Part Three

"Avast! Matey, are you goin' to th' Golden Dubloon, too?" I asked him, trying to talk like a pirate. Alas, I should have read that book...

by writer190
Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Three

"She must be found!" she cried. "What if she gets caught in a sandstorm? What if the winds come? They can last for days and she would be totally lost! If she's lost in the desert, she will die!"

Art by rookina

by rookina

The Petpet Brigade: Part Two

"Wait," Buttons said. "There's something else we have to do." As she realized what he was thinking, she mouthed the words, ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE?!!

by superfox65
Prophecy of the Second Equinox: Part Two

The sun doesn't always come, thought Azraen as she peered up. The clouds cover it over, making a day-long haze. But the night... the night never fails...

Image by cuithil

by laurelinden

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Study Shows Negg Chasing is Fun

Most Neopians nowadays see Meerca Chase II as a simple, quick way to make a few Neopoints each day. They see no excitement or action in this game and pay very little attention! This all may have been rather true with the old version of the splendid game (plain old Meerca Chase), but that is certainly a blatant lie when speaking of the newfangled Meerca Chase II! Please give me a few minutes of your time to explain myself...

Other Stories


Born Again - Dazzle
A young Peophin looked out the window, at the rain that was falling in sheets of wet despair. The normally cheery and bustling Neopia Central was replaced by a web of desolate streets...

by michelle192837


Adventures Through Time and Space
"How did these get here?" she wondered aloud. Then she saw Radi coming, and she jumped right in it. Radi jumped into the other one...

by littleunicorn92


Your Dazzling Disco Guide
Disco, the upbeat style that is sweeping Neopia as we know it. Now you may be thinking, why on earth should I get involved in this collaboration of hot pink material and sharp snazzy dance moves?

by retreat_at_random


The Truth About the Grundo Thief
How many of you have played Freaky Factory, 15 seconds on the clock, three toys left, one vat empty, bam it's full, exactly three toys on the belt, you can feel a color bonus in the air, one second left and that purple Grundo Thief snags a plushie and you lose?!

by lov_el_y


Meepit Story
Why do I even bother?

by magic262626


Brothers'n'Sister - Paint Brush Luck III
Dr. Sloth? Here?

by kamikatze24

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