Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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Continued Series

Catching Up: Part Eleven

The Dark Faerie shook her hair out of her face, letting it flutter behind her in the wind, and concentrated on landing. Together the six Faeries settled their Racers into the gated courtyard...

by extreme_fj0rd
Spheres of Influence: Part Seven

"Robin!" she whispered in surprise. She tried to track the scent farther along the cave, but it was lost quickly among that scent of grey pets...

by zephandolf
The Ghost of Meridell: Part Six

Krystal huffed and started for the door. "Krystal," Raylac said before she left. "Tell me, have you heard of the Day of Sorrow that took place in Meridell ten years ago?"

by kt_fox
Guardian: Part Five

The Creature dumped Rionex and Draco on the floor. "Darkstar," he growled, "you will stand guard over this traitor and pest until I call for you. Do you understand?"

by kaylamdal111112
Legacy of Ice: Part Five

"It's just that Wocky... She has no idea how important she is! She'll let this mountain fall apart, just to save herself a bit of work!"

by wascoolest123
The Shadows: Part Five

I walked into the main room where Sophie was poring over a very large book. She looked up as I approached, eyes already glaring at me before she could even see who I was. I was trembling with every step...

by jelleyfrosting
Traitors And Warriors: Part Four

This was it. We had become strangers to each other. We were no longer a tutor and student--not that morning. She would not spare me...

by humgruffin
Losers: Part Three

"It's just a scientific study, mostly," Ella said to July when her costume was finished. "I really want to see the world... through another's eyes..."

by soccerhart12
Revenge and Resistance: Part Three

Sloth smirked. "Your silence speaks volumes..."

by dan4884
Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part Two

Her lips were moving, but with her hood down he could not see her eyes. What could she be saying to make the Blumaroo freeze like that? He strolled over to the mop and started wiping the floor near the reporter's table and strained his ears...

by tashni
Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Two

"Wait, am I crazy, or was this totally broken when I picked it up and brought you here?" The Bori looked up at the suitcase...

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka

Dry Danger: Part Two

"Excuse me," Tomos said, stopping one of the passing Ghost Blumaroos, "but do you know where I can find your Prince? Or Princess? It is most necessary that I speak to one of them..."

by krapoza
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"Easy as 'Pyramid Pot'" by literalluau
She watched the lump of clay go around and around, hypnotized by it. She whispered to the clay, "Please become a Qasalan Tea Pot. Oh, please, become a Qasalan Tea Pot. I will give you a nice red-brown body and a lovely gold lid. Just please work with me and be a Qasalan Tea Pot..."

Other Stories


In the Attic
It was pitch black behind the door. It was definitely time to get out of here. Silver was so overcome with fright that she accidentally tumbled over something...

by hyun713


Geraptiku's Song
Overhead flew a strange bird, glittering brightly in the light and blazing with all the colors of the rainbow. It opened its mouth and let out a call, a song, high and eerie but beautifully wild...

by eleanor111


How to Get That Fabulous Pet You've Always Wanted
There's lots of ways to change your pets, aren't there?

by foxo11


Princess of the Peaks
"You took long enough to get here," she murmurs. "Trouble with the peaks?" Another grin flashes across the Gnorbu's face...

by squire_genevieve


The Perils of Pinching
Remember what I told you.

Also by swedish

by terri_baby24


Off Track: Violence
You heartless person.

by klipsan

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