Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,881,945 Issue: 519 | 4th day of Storing, Y13
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Continued Series

Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Seven

It wasn't as if he had the same skills โ€“ the useful skills โ€“ that everyone else had, anyway. Unless Jalitha needed some pipes fixed, he was pretty much useless.

by saphira_27
The Trial of Her Mind: Part Seven

The Darkest Faerie laughed deviously. "It won't help you then!" she cackled.

by sheik_30999
Cloud Flute: Part Four

By now the sun had almost disappeared and the sky was growing dark. Laerya grinned with triumph as she saw a huge field stretch before her โ€“ they had made it to the Endless Plains.

by aquadaika
Visions III: Revealed - Part Four

It's just a vision, she reminded herself. Still, it felt real.

by yotoll
A New Line of Work: Part Three

"Well, you have his ticket, Mori. I think you know what to do with it."

by thatsextraheretical
No Height, No Weight, No Problem: Part Five

I took the sack of Draik eggs to Mama and promised to explain everything soon. There was still something I had to finish.

by kittylitter251
Stormclouds Over Meridell: Part Three

His meetings with King Skarl had been proving every bit as pointless as anticipated.

by d_morton
The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Three

"What did I tell you about calling me Rosie?" Rose laughed, but she wasn't annoyed. A part of her was truly happy at seeing her old friend.

Her old co-worker.

by dudeiloled

A Deal with the Daniels: Part Two

"This Chia shouldn't be too much of a threat for two trained heroes like us," he said, "with or without magic."

by a_greenparrot
Usuki Singing Stars #10: The BIG Birthday Blow-up - Part Three

"And speaking of Patricia's birthday," Lola continued, "what should we get her as a present?"

by downrightdude
The Witch and the Mortog: Part Two

Poor Balthazar and Edna were stunned into silence. They quietly stepped aside, and Vira brazenly stepped in front of the mirror and began primping herself....

by secant
Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part Two

"Here are your badges." Norman handed the Meepits each a small plastic card. "These will keep you two from harming the fabric of reality when breaking the Fourth Wall."

by gold_fang
Search the Neopian Times


Useless School Supplies

The Neopian School Supplies shop is still open for business, and perhaps for this same reason, and with the absence of competition, it keeps coming up with crazy inventions that no one seems to be able to use when going to school; inventions that are impractical, or just for show, and sometimes plain weird and creepy. I set up camp near the Shop for three days - despite the continuous...

Other Stories


Finders Keepers
Elline, a Treasure Keeper, adventures and longs for her father's return. :3

by movie138music


Neopian Story Time: Elephante Dreams
Pundaberry didn't want to be an Elephante, he wanted to be an Aisha, or brave Lupe. Instead he was stuck as a big useless Elephante that nobody loved... or so he thought...

by ilovemycatembers


Your Side Account: Things to Do on the Other Side
What else could we do with our side accounts?

by akitera


In Other News: It Returns!
Krawk Island's recent disappearance from Neopia's surface has caused quite an alarm amongst global citizens of late; however, the rediscovery of the island has done little in terms of dispelling these anxieties.

by yippo_yippee


Why Sloth Only Writes the News Once a Year
Updating the News is harder than it looks...

by crocodile_babiez


Ventures #6
Repercussions Part 3. Surprisingly, progress is slow when the one who usually does all the planning is the one missing.

by neo_coaster363

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