Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,988,152 Issue: 591 | 19th day of Eating, Y15
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Continued Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Perception - Part Three

Some days being a crime fighter almost didn't feel worth it...

by kristykimmy
The Royal Reputation: Part Two

Someone pounded on my door the next morning, and I fully expected it to be Noliona. I was surprised when Mom's voice echoed through the wood.

by flames_unleashed
Desert Journey: Part Four

Do what ever it takes to prevent outsiders from reaching the ancient city.

by cureleantwilight
The Puppeteer: Part Three

The doors slowly creaked open. His first look at Kai shocked him. He had heard the stories, but not really believed them to be true until now.

by rachelindea
Uncertainty: Part Two

If there was any lesson that stuck with Dimitri over his lifetime, it was that failure should not be seen as the end of a project, but a chance to improve it.

by blueys45
Defender of Neopia - Tyranny of The Doctor: Part Two

"So you need my help to sneak back onto Virtupets Station?"

by kinokiro
Finding Boochi: Part Two

"So, how do we go about finding Boochi?" asked Charlie.

by fantasyeyesuk
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"The Keepers" by kandeegrrl
A very peculiar Zafara answered the door. He was glowing - though Kendrick had always suspected that it was a result of his many hours in his lab, and had nothing to do with a paint brush - with unruly hair and wearing a lab coat and Wellington boots covered in some blue bubbly substance. "Little Kenny!" Uncle Arthur exclaimed...

Other Stories


Ezulla the Princess of Shenkuu
From a distance, Shenkuu is filled with the deep greens of the grass and trees, bright blues from the flowing streams that lead to crashing waterfalls...

by painted_dreams87


Illustria of The Thieves Guild
Illustria pulled her cloak closer around her with one hand, keeping the hood around her face. In the other, she held a small cloth bag, which was full of something apparently heavy.

by moonandflowers


Toddlers' Tales: A Guide to Reading to your Baby Neo
It is a well-known fact that reading to Neopets increases their intelligence, and baby Neopets are no exception.

by mrs_cherish


Architecture of Neopia: Maraqua
Maraqua is the only place in Neopia that produces Maractite – most commonly used in forging weaponry; it is also a key material in structural support, as it is a substance stronger than an iron girder.

by arkwright


Jackrabbit? Really?

by ckatjackrabbit


Neopian Anomaly
Reason #23 as to why you should paint your Pteri a different color.

by lizica166

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