Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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New Series

The Five Kaus: Part One

"But I've heard rumors that his lab ray can change me into a different Neopet!" Metonot complained. "I don't WANT to change into another Neopet!"

by jacob133
As the Clouds Clear: Part One

No one could understand why she always seemed so upset now. They'd approach her and ask, "Why so sad?" without noticing her grey coloring...

by puppy200010
Green Genies and H.A.M.S.: Part One

"Well? What's the meaning of this? How did this happen?" the Draik asked pointedly, his face icy and without any trace of play...

by buddy33774
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Optimize Your Shop

The first step to optimizing your shop is to determine who you’ll be selling to. You’ll be getting a lot of customers, and while some are just looking for an item and will never see your shop again, others are looking for a particular type of item, or trying to complete a quest. Some are looking to add that special item...

Other Stories


The Assistant
Krista quickly replied, "Oh no, sir, I don't have a problem with my ticket. See, I'd like to apply to be your assistant!"

by londonparistokyo


The Kadoatie Katastrophe
Neoschool had broken up the day before for seven long weeks, and I had a tigersquash for breakfast. Everything was perfect. Until, that is, the door opened and in came my little sister...

by bookworm_kate347


An Interview with an Ogrin
Well, here I am in the forest, and I only see one, so I'm going to interview that Shadow Ogrin right over there.

by dark_knights_sabre


Skeiths; Malicious or Misunderstood?
When most Neopians hear the word ‘Skeith’, the first thing they think of is the lazy, rude, and greedy dragon-like image that most of us are familiar with. And they wouldn’t be all wrong; many do fit this exact description.

by katiecoo802


Head in the Clouds
I wish I could help.

by candykitty


The Scary Truth About Dice-A-Roo
We always suspected...

Also by crocodile_babiez

by jbforever

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