Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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New Series

Offline - Hiding From the Meepits: Part One

I'm a detective. Mostly small jobs, but every so often something strange crops up.

by lightninglover34
The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part One

Lee stood there, rooted on the spot in complete darkness. She could see nothing but the blackness as thick as tar. Where was she?

by arrielle5
A Wish for Bravery: Part One

Why did everybody call him a coward? It wasn't his fault he was a little afraid of everything...

by shadowninjawarrior
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Giving Better Gifts

February, the Month of Awakening... as in awakening late on the 15th with a lump on your head after having given your dearest neofriend a Packet of Gravel for Valentine's Day? Don't ask me how I know. I just know. *shifty eyes* You are not alone. Each year, thousands of Neopians hit the shops in hopes of finding the "perfect" gift...

Other Stories


The One that Got Away
As Dr. Yelp led her down the sterile halls, Xweetiepea noticed that there weren’t very many patients; most of the rooms were empty...

by arthursmom


Noelk's Valentines Day
She was in bed, struck with the worst case of Neoflu in a century. She sneezed, hacked, choked, and spat phlegm out with every word...

by hmlanden


Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild?
The actual words that you use to advertise your guild are very important. Including the link in your ad is always helpful and makes the guild easily accessible.

by squekepiggie123


Our Ooey Gooey Neopia
I've counted over 100 tempting foods smothered with drippy toppings, and/or made with very messy fillings, and I decided to write up a piece showcasing what I feel are Neopia's top ultimate indulgence confections...

by purplepassiony2k


In The Mix
Being royal does have its good points.

by erecta


Totally - Beach Bum
Surf... Sand... and Sun!

by _kristina_anne_

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