For an easier life Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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New Series

The Day The Plushies Took Over!: Part One

"This can't be. Where is everything? Why is it all plushie? What's wrong!"

by poopdoo134
The Path to Freedom: Part One

Sampson wasn’t good at anything. All the other pets, like their owner, were superstars. Sampson was not. He was just the normal, unpainted, lousy-at-everything pet, at least according to all the others. And what hurt Sampson the most was that they were right...

by bathschool123
The Fall of Qasala: Part One

“My spies tell me that their ruler, Princess Amira, apparently isn’t content with just Sakhmet. She has this idea that she rules over the entire Desert. To enforce her rule, she’s sent out armies to conquer any ‘renegade cities’ that might have hidden themselves from her eye.”

by danama
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"The Phantom of 1000 Tombs" by anjie
The book was old, held tightly in the paw of Meti, a small Plushie Draik. A dreamy expression was fixed upon his face, his thoughts overcome with fantasies of adventures in far away lands. With wonder and awe, he read aloud from the tome...

Other Stories


Scaring Simohn
Not every Halloween Blumaroo is good at scaring other neopets...

by blumaroocrazy21


My Friends, My Family, and Me
You are probably wondering why I, a once beautiful red Acara, now dingy, unkempt, and dirt poor, am standing in line in the Soup Kitchen...

by feliscata


Which Flower Are You?
Here are a few different personality types, along with matching floral suggestions: Which flower fits your personality?

by purplepassiony2k


The Vanishing Books
Why are all the puffs of smoke multicolored!!??

by evilsierraassassin


Finding Constellations
How to find the constellations...

by riddle_twins


Land of Pacman
*drools* Now all we need is custard!

by pacmanite

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