Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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New Series

A Weak Heart: Part One

His bed was unmade, unusual for him. But he often disappeared for a midnight fly around the village...

by literalluau
A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part One

"I'm late, I'm late," he grumbled, before ducking into the shade of the Ice Caves...

by toffee_choc
The Forgotten Faerieland: Part One

Did you know that there was a time when all pets had wings and were faeries? These pets thrived in Faerieland...

by ewagon
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Safely Visiting Virtupets

Now, the tourism that the Space Station gets does give Virtupets a financial boast; however, there are one or two... problems... that we get from having too many tourists snooping around the premises. Therefore, I’ve compiled a short guide of tips for you touristy minded Neopians...

Other Stories


The Would-Be Detective: Where is Dr. Sloth?
"Has anyone seen Dr. Sloth?"

by silentbutterfly


Ezanna on Edge
"I'll never finish it all," he moaned. "Never! Why bother even starting?"

by battlesunn


Top-Ten Pie Countdown
Everything that you need to know about which pies are cooler than ice or older than dirt.

by weirdo_number_7


Trading Post - a Simple Guide
It has been my experience that a good many Neopians tend to overlook the Trading Post as a viable source of good deals, either because they haven't the patience to seek them out or because they are driven away by the chance at making a bad deal. I find it a shame...

by tyleraapje


The Adventures of Help
Says who?!

by raptor291


Boochie Confusion
Getting shot isn't always a bad thing...

by frost_faerie

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