A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 143,141,548 Issue: 299 | 6th day of Swimming, Y9
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New Series

Undisguised Devotion: Part One

Adrian shook himself from head to toe and flung snow in all directions. Kaylee threw up an arm and managed to shield her face from most of the onslaught. Afterwards she just rolled her eyes at her goofball of a brother, who shrugged in reply...

Also by ch0c0lat3kik0

by scubadive5

The Disappearance of the Heiress: Part One

If she really wanted to swim in the pool, the hotel staff could easily arrange for her to have a private bathing session. She had been here for two weeks. And that meant, thought Helene miserably, that there were still two more to go...

by merimiram
Smurdnunoc: Part One

"Hmmm..." The Lenny paused, appearing to be trying to think of some good response. "Well," he finally conceded, "I guess that means that all I can do is– Look! A distraction!"

by buddy33774
Waiting Out the Storm: Part One

Only a very lazy Neopian wouldn't be outside. That lazy Neopian was no other than Jenna A. Smitz, red Lutari, who currently resided under her covers...

by mew_mew_matrimony
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"In The Pit" by dan4884
A flashing red light lit up the Pit suddenly, and a voice crackled, "Clockwork! You're up!" A whirring began, and two green eyes emerged from the dark. The Clockwork Yooyu propelled itself into the elevator, its eyes staring blankly the whole time. Norm could hear a slight ticking emanating...

Other Stories


Time To Shine
Shone's shoulders sagged with relief. Steel, a Clockwork Yooyu and also her best friend, had come to the rescue...

by soupfaerie_best


Discovered Intrusion
Count von Roo had returned to his castle. Saya stopped and paused in fear, contemplating for a moment whether she should run and hide from him or not...

by puppy200010


Altadorian Astrology
Those twelve signs are beings both alive and unique unto themselves. So, too, is each being influenced by many hundreds of factors, few of which can be learned by studying these stars alone...

by micrody


Soup Faerie Wonders
Ever wondered how she gets all of those ingredients?

by absdafabs


Could Be Worse
Life with only four tentacles!

by ashen_fae


Gothic Wings - Yooyuball Cheering!
This is the yooyu you don't wanna catch during a game...

by sacred_darknezz

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