For an easier life Circulation: 174,142,867 Issue: 408 | 4th day of Gathering, Y11
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New Series

The Unconverted Shoyru: Part One

"Because you're unconverted," Nexter said, in a way stating the obvious. Asra noticed the looks of disgust on the others' faces.

by xx_neomania
Extreme Difficulty: Part One

I hear an audible slam downstairs that makes the entire house shake. Traders are usually angry when they leave...

by iris220_ll
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Bomberry Bonanza!

These freaky-hot bubbles of joy are really delicious, but no one knows what to make of them! So I have decided to make a delicious, fiery bomberry guide so you can choose the right bomberries, and what to do with them! Bomberries grow exclusively on Mystery Island. But apparently some geniuses decided to smuggle a few and grow a new strain of bomberries in Meridell that are blue...

Other Stories


Adventures of Tubby the Meerca - The Snowy Surprise
The twin Korbats waved at the little Meerca. "Oh, hi! This is our new friend Fireball the Scorchio."

by gigglygirl111


Who Is Sarah?
She watched the gentle wildflowers dance in the warm breeze. It was as if they were beckoning to her, "Come out and play, Sarah," but she was stuck indoors.

by tj_wagner


Incredible Edibles - Pancakes vs. Waffles
It's a question that is long overdue. Pancakes or Waffles?

by purplepassiony2k


Curing Your Sick Neopet
Exploring the many ways to cure your sick pet!

by heerscheresch1987


Medical Tree: Outta the house
The 'happy' ending to a sinky adventure. There's a moral in here somewhere.

by leetmango


Fate of the Fluff
Baking a cake!

Art by crystallus

by 6catgirl6

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