Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,582,355 Issue: 556 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y14
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New Series

Nightfall: Part One

"Miz Amy?" Grant called, throwing his top hat on the dirt patch before his tent.

"Grant, m'boy," Amy responded. The pink Kyrii fluttered from the steps of the caravan...

by havittaa

Chronicles of the Chosen: Taking Flight - Part One

Desperately Jhudora's burning eyes scanned the hall for something, anything, which was dark enough to stare at with some decency. But alas, the floors were a muted orchid (still pink), garnished with mauve rugs covered in swirling designs. The ceiling was an almost sugary sort of pink...

by pretsel_is_back
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"Nightfall" by havittaa
The caravans in the camp were brightly colored and ornate, sitting beside patched tents. As Grant approached his own tent, a door from the nearest caravan burst open. "Miz Amy?" Grant called, throwing his top hat on the dirt patch before his tent. "Grant, m'boy," Amy responded. The pink Kyrii fluttered from the steps of the caravan, a light bouncing from within it. Her blue eyeshadow looked gaudy under the full moon and her skirt drifted inches from...

Other Stories


Four And A Half Kougras: Sugar And Spice Is Not So Nice
A very small chocolate Kougra was perched on their front doorstep, and, to Tygura's annoyance, was dripping chocolate syrup on the morning's neomail.

by _forest_sol_


Looney Lockewood
The mad old Buzz was glowering down at the pair of them, his jaw just inches from Shailayna's nose...

by ihailin


The Worth of a Badly Named Basic Pet
It was a sunny day in Neopia Central and so, I decided I would try an experiment.

by miss_miku1


An In-Depth Look At The Caption Contest
A question I am asked somewhat frequently nowadays is, "How do you keep getting into the Caption Contest"?

by moocowalex


Muckla and the Monthly Freebies
If ULTIMATE GENIUS pets pick virtually inedible foods, I'm alarmed at the thought of what dim-witted pets opt to eat...

by lovisa966


The Goofers - Nightmare
Nightmares tend to take different forms...

by lintsuf

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