Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,890,957 Issue: 1029 | 21st day of Running, Y27
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Short Stories

The Consequences of Illusen Propaganda

It was that time of the month when the weewoos would fly in and drop the biweekly Neopian Times off at the entrance of everyone's home. A day of the month that normally went smoothly and unproblematic, but today was not that day for Whimthief. Collab with hectic_haley

by discardedcrayons
A Quest for Illusen… And Then Some

Torilant was amazed to have Illusen standing before him. “Illusen, wow! It's so nice to meet you. I can't believe I'm doing a quest for you!" Torilant exclaimed, his words quickly turning into a never-ending ramble. Collab with notooryous

by cibola

9th day of Running, Y27: Dear diary, I am sorry for neglecting you these past months, as the training has been hard and strenuous here at the Glade.

by water_park1993
The Edge of the Bluff

For most, Illusen Day is a time of celebration and merriment and the hours are packed full of activities, events, and gatherings honoring the adored Earth Faerie. Collab with Cefoiya

by aronacia
Illusen, the Knight, and the Value of Prudence

Illusen looked up at the hovering Darigan Citadel before turning her attention back to a new patch of sprouting wildflowers just outside her Glade. She wondered if the Citadel would still be called that, if the reports were true that the Spectre of Lord Darigan, after rampaging all over Meridell, had vanished without a trace.

by precious_katuch14
An Alien Aisha Vacations in Neopia: Illusen's Glade

When the Alien Aisha Yillix landed near the Vending Machine in Neopia Central, the first thing she did was study, for the sixty-seventh time, the list she'd made on the first page of her Dimensional Notebook.

by phadalusfish
Illusen's Assistant

“He’s done it again folks! Down the hill in 25 seconds! What a feat,” the Techo Cheese Maker excitedly announced the results to the roaring crowds.

by ningkov1
Illusen at the Spring Masquerade

As Illusen lingered by the punch bowl in a new green dress and an itchy-with-enchantments mask, she knew she’d made a mistake. She didn’t usually go to these sorts of events.

by cookybananas324
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Top 10 Illusen Approved Treats

With her longtime habit of popping out of the woods to bestow vast sums of wealth upon unsuspecting Neopians and the endless kindness she shows to those brave enough to attempt her quests, it goes without saying that Illusen is one of the most kind and helpful people in all of Neopia! This Earth Faerie's beauty is only matched by her warm and genuine personality, and one of the many ways that she shows her generosity is with food! Since we are here to celebrate Illusen Day, we thought we would help you out by sharing some of Illusen’s favourite treats and snacks to honor the occasion by sharing a meal with your friends, family, loved ones, or just yourself! Illusens Cream Cookie Yummy cream cookies that are great after any meal or for a special treat. These are one of Illusens favourite treats. This beloved and classic treat is well known to those who visit Illusen’s Glade in Meridell as the thoughtful and generous Illusen hands them out to any Neopian who completes the very first quest she gives. You can’t go wrong with this staple of the inventory, user shop, and safety deposit box whose very visual serves as a core memory to almost every pet in Neopia. Topped with a decadent and fluffy mint cream, these sweet cookies will delight your eyes as well as your taste buds! Illusen Waffle A leaf-shaped waffle smothered in rare dark syrup. This is hard to pass up. Illusen certainly wouldn’t want you to go out to fulfill her quests on an empty stomach, would she? This earthy leaf-shaped waffle is coated in a rich acorn syrup and makes an enchanting and hearty...

Other Stories


Going Green: Your Dream Neopet Team!
The best things in life are green! Cute little Glymes, yummy Green Pepper Omelettes, mischievous Green Evil Fuzzles, and tangy Green Herb Dressing, just to name a few!

by jackie247


A Quest for a Greener Neopia
Something has Happened! A freckled Earth Faerie smiles at you. “Hi there! Would you do a quest for me? Collab with Dafsy_ & qeenoneo

by chihuahua__89


Pyramids All The Way Down
Theodaxx immediately went to work. First, he had to find his market--the wandering spirits. The Lost Desert was a good starting place, but to really get to the large numbers, he'd have to go elsewhere.

by likelife96


A Visit to Avista
Month of Gathering, Y12 “I have a message for you,” Mr. Elliott, the headquarters secretary, informed me. I frowned, instantly concerned. The only one that left messages for me was my younger sister, Katelyn.

by 77thbigby


Almost Spotless Spring Cleaning
Beware of Slorgs! Collab with truebrony

by i_lovee_icecream


Green Not Queen
Happy Illusen Day!

by funkiemonkee903

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