Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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Short Stories

The Dark Before The Dawn: the Beginning

The day finally came where we ran out of food. I knew it was coming; I just didn't want to admit it. The girls were off at school...

by jambammer
Kayla's Valentine

Her red fur touched something cold that felt like metal. She clenched her paw around it and withdrew. It was a dusty photo frame...

by mew_mew_matrimony
The Dreamer

Neopia knows her from the Book of Ages and a constellation fashioned in her honor hangs in our night sky, but there is another story in her past, one that precedes the tale in the Book of Ages...

by dark_goddess_rising
Unlikely Events

All was the same, untouched by the ravages of time, until a shape appeared in the far reaches of the desert, a mere black speck, silhouetted against the sun...

by regle_de_tous
It's Not Worth It

Sighing, Drano sat up in bed and squinted across the room at Stardust3974, his younger sister. "Morning," he said...

by weaponstar

Perfect Imperfection

"Well," said Angie slowly. "Was the candy still any good from Halloween, Winter?"

by animalnutz1993
Lost Desert Chronicles: The Friendship

Thinking of the stories of treasure in the Lost Desert, a land he had heard of but never seen, he steered his boat toward it...

by catsrcool41
Glass Stone

The Obsidian Dagger was the thorn in the side of the rich, but no hero of the poor. One person profited from what he did, and he was the one doing it...

by neesboy
Because You're Cursed

"Oh, no!!!!" he screamed. "My fur is falling off!" Panicked, Simba stumbled back into his room...

by kidagakash_nedakh
Royal Pain

How do I look? The royal Poogle smiled at her own little joke, admiring herself in a small, gold plated hand mirror. Perfect, as usual...

by hugthepinapple
Faerie Festival

Luna was a tall, thin faerie, about twelve years old, and possibly the youngest grey faerie in Neopia. She hid in the shadows...

by firecomet14
Why You Should Never Feed a Meepit

I skidded to a halt and around to see Zelda jump up into the lower branches of a tree. On the top there was a meepit stuck in the branches...

by tetra_star213
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"Because You're Cursed" by kidagakash_nedakh
"Aaaaccchhhhooooooo!" He sneezed and that's when it hit him. Cautiously, he scratched his ear again and noticed the puff of fur that fell and surrounded him. "Oh, no!!!!" he screamed. "My fur is falling off!" Panicked, Simba stumbled back into his room and frantically looked around his bedroom...

Other Stories


An Interview with Garin
Hi! I'm Salina and I'm here on Krawk Island to interview the very popular Usul Garin.

by pipsqueak1263


Spring Cleaning!
You need to know what to keep, throw away, donate. So here's a step-by-step guide for a clean and lovely inventory!

by 444lullsan444


City Lupe on the Plains: Part One
He began to remember his past, back when he was barely old enough to remember it now to his current life... all the way back to when he was a Plains Lupe...

by kindheartedfairy


The Forgotten Faerieland: Part Two
Tuirsa tentatively spoke to Luce first. "Luce, I fear that Baelia is somehow planning the downfall of faerie pets. I don't know how I know this, but it's a deep feeling I have."

by ewagon


Spoonful of Morals
The evils of Tyrannian Quiggles...

by seiya_from_ashes


Cracked Up
Stone Snowballs?

by cnegri33

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