Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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Short Stories


It's irrevocable. And, as much as I hate to admit to it, the whole thing was entirely my fault...

by yatomiyuka
The Nobody

He was a nobody. He must've been a somebody once, but for as long as anyone could remember, he had been a nobody...

by _g_i_n_n_y_w_
The Lost Knight

"Things are going to be different and I will not be a nobody anymore!" I told myself...

by rebornluthia
Captain of the Ship

The blue Kacheek's eyes were filled with longing as he looked: the rippled light on the water, the waves swelling over one another, racing to get to shore first...

by extreme_fj0rd

My gaze, as red at that final patch of scarlet light, swerves to a tiny blue planet called Neopia. Its surface is draped with rolling, curling coils of clouds, and its azure seas sparkle with light...

by digital_microwave
The Health Food Crime

"We want to make as much money as possible, and besides, I need to get rid of these organic vegetables. They're already rotting, and I want them off my hands now!"

Also by mygoodguild

by zen_reina

Talek's Tale

The sword was heavy. Talek had difficulty when he tried to swing it with one hand, as he was taught...

Also by imogenweasley

by dan4884

The Little Giant

"Oh don't be a Grundo," Wila said. "That hasn't worked for anyone in this whole tournament. Really, Evrem, you ought to know this."

by horsesrocktkw
The Janitor's Discovery

The janitor sighed. He was sick of being noticed...

by fireyblackgreyness
Amaida's Wings

"Amai, are you alright?" came a voice from downstairs...

by shadow_sabre_
Kotureo and the Magic Asparagus: a Pirate's Quest

Kotureo was a great pirate, who sailed the Mystery Channel (that one that runs between Mystery Island and Krawk Island) many many years ago. He's most renowned for one great adventure involving Coconut JubJubs, a band of scurvy Pink Kacheeks...

by grape_luvver
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"The Nobody" by _g_i_n_n_y_w_
He was a nobody. He must've been a somebody once, but for as long as anyone could remember, he had been a nobody. He had been sitting on the street corner, playing his violin for so long, he had become part of the scenery; a landmark you simply accepted and were so used to seeing, you didn't really notice it anymore...

Other Stories


NeoMalls: Outrageous or Fantastic? You Tell Me
Some Neopians think that upgrading your shop higher than level 5 is a complete and utter waste of time. Little do you know...

by cyst


Illustrious Ixis
Ixi originated in Meridell, and can now but found far and wide all over Neopia. With their soft, shimmering fur and adorable, miniature horns, it’s no wonder...

by lassie_nikki


For the Altador Cup: Part Three
Hmm, thought Trinna, If I agree to go to this thing, it'll be more time to spend with Sam, Tilly and Ellie, to figure out what's going on...

by lili483


Destiny of Seamstress Cybunny: Part Four
When I woke up a few hours later, I was in a hospital bed. A nurse was around dusting the room. She smirked at me...

by anime_cybunny


Toilet Troubles
Based on true happenings, sorta...

by mythical_creature_


Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 15 (Epilogue)

by the_darkjedi

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