Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 123,711,044 Issue: 249 | 21st day of Swimming, Y8
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Short Stories

To Work or Not to Work

"I'm serious! I really wanna work! You know I'm a really good worker - I manage the shop since Nelly isn't old enough! Please... I need some Neopoints! I can do it!"

by caloriemuncher
Eerie Friends

"There's no such thing as ghosts," Westie said with a snort. "That's what my mommy told me, at least. And mommies don't lie."

by mygoodguild
Problems With the Defenders

"I consider it a duty to rid Neopia of junk it doesn't use. Thanks to us Grarrls, you don't have to keep transporting that junk from inventory to inventory. It actually has a purpose!"

by mystery_island111223
The Lever

"Have you ever wondered where the Lever of Doom hand takes the Neopoints?"

by diana3786neo
Nimmo Nurse

"I have the instructions right here," continued the doctor, switching back to his normal brisk voice. "Make sure you follow them to the letter..."

by skycrowmor
Errand Girl

"How many times have I told you not to play in the mud?"

by lightninglover34
How to Deal with a Brat

It was Sunday, and Avalon had been running around the house, picking up school supplies for tomorrow...

by avalonluve112
Essence of a Pirate

"Why do we have to go to stupid Krawk Island?" Tess mumbled as she looked down into the water...

by mossfurcool
The Practical Neogardener

"She's got the gardening bug. I've never seen it so bad. Glass roses, Furrns, Snakebushes... She wants one of everything! Or maybe two!"

by pandorasaha
A Change of Heart

The shadow Lupe rolled his eyes. Kelly, his owner, was always being protective...

by stars_and_stripes180
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"The Practical Neogardener" by pandorasaha
"In a minute, Fitz, I'm playing this game to earn some more Neopoints," Sarah said rather absentmindedly as she dropped colored blobs in the vats and created a rainbow Uni plushie. Fitz frowned and looked at his sister, Widgitgaree the Pink Aisha...

Other Stories


Zombies Need Love Too!
So, you say your new pet is acting a little strange? She's sleeping all day long and awake throughout the night? Do you sometimes catch him nibbling on one of those grotesque squishy brain wraps?

by jennuine_1


Your Guide to the Clubs in Altador
You may have noticed a bulletin board in the Altadorian Archives. There are many different papers tacked to that old wall, most of them pointless, but you may have also noticed the numerous clubs that are looking for new members.

by christina333333


The Highlands: Part One
The Highlands. It was a stretch of blizzard-infested mountains that stretched away for miles behind the Haunted Woods, before crossing a thin stretch of ocean and joining Terror Mountain...

by katiesheffield


Blade of Fire, Blade of Ice: Part Four
Those simple words were enough to make her thoughts change. Faerieland! Soon they would arrive...

by danama


Slorgs are horrible, disgusting little things...

by flying_hiii


Study Hall
Remember the importance of studying.

by brittana4jesus

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