For an easier life Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Short Stories

Sweet Reunions

It was dinner time and, as usual, there were the petty arguments going on from none other than my fabulous four pets...

by jamice_muff_muff

"You can't do that, Freefall!" I snapped at my owner. "Just getting a pet from the Pound and turning it Mutant..."

by freefalldreams
The Master and the Manual

Weeks of preparation had gone into this school trip across Neopia, but Zephyr felt as if she accomplished nothing. Tomorrow her class would be headed back to Neopia Central...

by kemppotatoe
The Spell

Most Neopians would be at home preparing a warm serving of salivating Turkey Drumstick Dinner with a nice chilled mug of Thornberry Fruit Grog. My stomach growled audibly at the thought. Not me, though, I thought miserably...

by rainbow2skittle
The Dancer

Not only were the harvests rich, the villagers were assiduous, patient and virtuous, and best of all, there was a smiling face just around every corner. One of them was the face of a pretty young Cybunny named Sasha...

by precious_katuch14
The Eyes of Imari

I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

by micrody
Kougra's Secret

A fierce knock brought her attention to the front door. She cocked her head, and walked towards the door. When she opened it, a terrifying sight met her eyes...

by tigerstripe172
A Quiggle of Another Colour

"I'm tired of being a boring blue Quiggle," Blue Goggles burst out. "There are blue Quiggles everywhere and they're cool and all... but I want to be different!"

by redhaiku
We Could Be Pirates

"We could be pirates," Devin breathed, the stars reflecting in his merry eyes. The silence that followed was so eerie that the Pant Devil would curl into a ball and whimper...

by funkaneo123lala
The Pink Witch

Mum had said that someone - a witch - was moving in, and if he kept messing around in the garden the witch would turn him into a frog. Kipper was unconcerned...

by rhoc
A New Friendship

It was a dark winter night in the Haunted Woods. The wind blew, the moon shone in the midst of night, fog surrounded all living things. Nobody was outside. That is, except for one brave Neopet...

by brycebrycebuddy2
An Imaginary Friend

"Don't worry honey, you'll make plenty of friends!" said the cheerful voice of Atomasphere the Maraquan Uni, to her little sister, Mistletoe the Baby Acara...

by grapesourhorse
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"The Eyes of Imari" by micrody
I am a Dark Faerie and my name is Imari. I reside within the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain, where many Neopians feel the need to explore. I have no wish for explorers of my abode. I left the perky, cheery clouds of Faerieland to get away from the joy...

Other Stories


Nine Ways That Toast Can Save Your Life
I have made it my life's mission to educate you on the powers of toasted bread. Okay, so maybe I was bored. But during those 8 hours of boredom I could have been doing absolutely nothing, so be grateful that I made this sacrifice for you.

by buckbeak807


Finding the Perfect Petpet for under 15,000
How can you find the perfet petpet for your pet without breaking the bank? Let me show you!

by scranamole


The Story of a Weapon: Part One
Why were these people watching her? Why wouldn't they leave her alone? Why was she even there? Where was her mother... Did she even have a mother?

by proud_taurus_chic


From Enemy to Brethren: Part Two
Now, as Mimi and I headed to school, with Rat trailing behind us, I let him tease me. Every time he leaped for my tail I'd manage to flick it away...

by rainbow_lover852


Usually Abnormal #4
Now you know why he is a little unwanted guy...

by tristess


Petpet Parade
My new petpet only knows one trick.

by the_forest_maiden

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