The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 142,557,853 Issue: 289 | 27th day of Eating, Y9
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Short Stories


Lush green grass blanketed the ground, sprinkled with the cheeriness of a few perfectly placed flowers. All of that came to an abrupt stop as soon as it came into view. The cliff...

by jambammer

Nightpool was the only Lupe in this valley. He used to be in a larger pack of them, but wandered off and came here. The other neopets welcomed him warmly and he decided to stay...

by wolvz78
A Sailor's Worth

He hated to be leaving The Dauntless so early--it was only three in the afternoon--but it had to be done. A storm on Mystery Island was the single most dangerous natural disaster...

by cyanocitta
An Island Hidden in Mist

The icy cold pulled him down, forcing him into the murky depths. He spun, flipped, and could only tell that he was going down...

by ayame_23
True Story

"An air faerie came out of nowhere and handed me a fire paint brush and a million neopoints." A few of the onlookers gasped. "True story," Blake confirmed...

by kittygirl5170
Uh... Oops?

"Jefsy, take a look at this!" Momma said, holding up a giant Eyrie sculpture that looked as if it was made out of crystal. "Isn't it marvelous?"

by broadwaybaby986
Once Upon a Time

Suddenly the moon dove down to the other edge of the horizon, trading its position for rest as the fiery sun came up. Anna cried out in shock, blinking her suddenly blinded eyes. Abruptly, she could feel a thousand shifts in the atmosphere around her...

by _sunset_phoenix
A New Home

I glanced around shortly to see what had caused my fall, and my eyes widened at what I saw lying there. On the side of the road, completely soaked and sad-eyed, was...

by electricpaw
Laura, the Lonely

Laura froze. The more Page spoke, the more she began to sound like Eva was her best friend. Eva was Laura's best friend. This couldn't be happening...

by blackwell
My Little Home Wrecker

Their great size makes navigating small areas challenging. Simply turning around or backing up can dislodge small trees or knock over furniture. When one is a baby Tonu, it can only be so much worse...

by smudgeoffudge
The Music Master

But the Music Master did not mind any of this mess; indeed he wouldn't have it any other way. Rather, he sat serenely on a piano bench, watching the last few Neopians run past his shop...

by harry135535
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"My Little Home Wrecker" by smudgeoffudge
Baby pets are naturally curious, and their curiosity can get them into a lot of trouble. Be warned, there is no force in Neopia more destructive than that of a baby Tonu. BabySmacks was one such Tonu. Her name was appropriate, as she was a baby and she smacked into most anything that got in her way. Sometimes she did this quite without meaning to, other times...

Other Stories


Guide to Faerie Quests
There are a large number of Neopian faeries, such as Fyora or the Space Faerie, who will appear at random and ask these items of you, with the vague promise of 'something nice'...

by _l_t_e_


Uncovering the Secrets to Brightvale Castle
That is all they'll ever allow you to see of the castle, and that just wasn't enough for me...

Also by bluesoccercat

by dragon_and_the_fly


Traitors And Warriors: Part Five
I believe she was a true friend in the beginning. She only turned against me because of circumstances. If things had turned out differently, perhaps we still would be friends today...

by humgruffin


Legacy of Ice: Part Six
Flame tapped his foot against the ground impatiently. That was his third false call in the hour. Grumbling to himself, he started after Mist, only to fall down a dark tunnel covered with snow...

by wascoolest123


I never should have bought that Maraquan Neohome...

by crk524


Cosmic Collisions
What happens when Neopia meets up with a neighboring planet?

by fries682

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