Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 174,142,867 Issue: 408 | 4th day of Gathering, Y11
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Short Stories

A New Idea

"I've got this great new business idea!"

by xweet_candy

The hot Neopian sun blazed down on Okoju. The Darigan Kougra sighed and waved his wings...

by honeycourtney
The Bruce and the Ghost

It was an unlikely place for his small lab to be set up, but he was an unlikely scientist...

by amb403
Addie and Me

When my owner made me, a green Xweetok, she thought I was the cutest. My name is just a scramble of numbers and letters...

by spiderpigkid
Change and Choice

A year passed. How everything can change in a year.

by allyssa_renne
Adventures of Tubby the Meerca - The Snowy Surprise

The twin Korbats waved at the little Meerca. "Oh, hi! This is our new friend Fireball the Scorchio."

by gigglygirl111
Stealing Dreams

Can the friendship of two Neopets survive the failure of their ultimate dream?

Also by lobstrosities

by scarvogue

Who Is Sarah?

She watched the gentle wildflowers dance in the warm breeze. It was as if they were beckoning to her, "Come out and play, Sarah," but she was stuck indoors.

by tj_wagner
NeoSchool (Just My Luck)

The next morning, Neoschool started at 9:00 AM. I got up extra early...

by jamba_jukeba
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"The Bruce and the Ghost" by amb403
Of course, as it was a janitor's closet, people had a tendency to come and go as they pleased, gathering various cleaning supplies or returning them. It was an unlikely place for his small lab to be set up, but he was an unlikely scientist, if you could really call him that...

Other Stories


The Final Fight: Defeating King Terask II
It’s time to fight King Terask II... but how do you defeat him?

by chocolate_fudge7


Curing Your Sick Neopet
Exploring the many ways to cure your sick pet!

by heerscheresch1987


Witches in the Shadows: Part Five
Edna pushed Maria away awkwardly. "Not dead is a state I've got quite used to being in," she replied, dusting herself off.

by herdygerdy


After the Altador Cup: Part Three
Mirsha lit up. "Garven! That might be the answer to her spell casting!"

by crazy_4_sushi


No Sugar
Isn't that Zo Junior?

by pawz11


I strive to be random.

by sorrl111

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