Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,526,287 Issue: 416 | 30th day of Collecting, Y11
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Short Stories

The Wheel of Misfortune

She brought only 100 neopoints with her, and those are for one thing. Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune.

by lovesdogsago
Halloween at the Pound

What happens to the pets in the Pound?

by unosilvah
The Window

Outside the thick, milky window, I can see the real world...

by tj_wagner
The Brain Tree's Revenge

Halloween always puts the Brain Tree in a better mood than usual, as more and more Neopets flock to the Haunted Woods in celebration.

by ava_ked
The Tower of Unexplainable Phenomena

"Where light is, there is candy on this night!"

Also by precious_katuch14

by _pokemon_lunatic_

Candy Corn

"Dark things," Sharan said. "Things that go bump in the night." She smiled wickedly and set down her finished pumpkin...

by concertogreat_8
Halloween Horrors!

"I don't want to go trick-or-treating tonight."

by babygirl229911
Groceries and a Haunted Eve

"Keep walking," she whispered to herself. "It's just a normal night."

But it wasn't.

by be2aware

What Could Have Been

Edna had been working on this project for weeks. Halloween was approaching, and the witch was undertaking one of her most ambitious spells...

by reggieman721
Scars: Brotherhood

"Indeed, Commander Valka did send Parlax on the mission that gave him his scar, and yes, he did go off on his own..."

by micrody
Bonfire Spooky Stories

When two travelers search for adventure, they come across a lone figure near a bonfire. Spooky tales ensue...

by outsyder
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"What Could Have Been" by reggieman721
Edna had been working on this project for weeks. Halloween was approaching, and the witch was undertaking one of her most ambitious spells to date. The words on the page in her spellbook drew her eye...

Other Stories


Quiz - Determining Your Spooky Halloween Costume!
As Halloween approaches, one of the biggest dilemmas emerges: what is the perfect evil costume?

Also by hidden_0_o

by butyne


Creepy Companions
Your Neopet can’t go out into the Haunted Woods alone. They need a guardian, a companion, a petpet.

by neom_777


The Traitor: Part Eight
"I intend to escape with her; I trust you do not object?"

by jokerhahaazzz


The Halloween Hoax: Part Two
A giant orange banner that read 'Happy Halloween' in dripping black paint hung from one corner of the ceiling to the other. Dozens of glowing Spyder Lights hung from the walls...

by jenlin_25


You know what I hate about Halloween?

by ssjelitegirl


CayCaed! Halloween Mishaps
In which we say "Happy Halloween!" ...without the "happy."

by kattrish

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