Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Short Stories

Taking and Giving

The Skunk Quiggle's smile turned into a nasty grin. "Let me see your truck for a second," he said.

by xxxmagiabellexxx
A Withering Note

"As your business partner, I highly advise against starting anything in this building, especially a hospital! For Fyora's sake, this is a haunted asylum!"

by kaddiez
The Rumor

"...A Faerie paint brush, and for a bunch of Neopoints, too!"

by honshusan
One Week

We are staying the night at the Wooden Boot, an old inn that smells a little like mothballs and spilled grog and travel-worn leather, but it is nice enough. It was a miracle we could find a place to stay at all...

by vanessa1357924680
Origin of the Pant Devil- Vigilante or Villain?

The truth about the troublesome Pant Devil and his origins.

by mrscharliesheen
Indefinitely Slow

Kero; a name which bears much strength and bravery. Some might even say that it rhymes with Hero...

by water_park1993
The Problem of April Second

"Because you haven't stopped talking for an hour now. I don't know how you can talk at the rate you do and still have time to breathe..."

by kristykimmy
In Search of Kero

"I was just wondering... if you'd seen a blue Scorchio? Youngish, a warrior, goes by the name of Kero."

by ralph89170
Search the Neopian Times


"The Rumor" by honshusan
"...A Faerie paint brush, and for a bunch of Neopoints, too!" Sky hesitated. Her green crayon fell from its grip in her wing. Fang bought a Faerie paint brush? Wasn't she saving for something..? The Pteri stood, slowly and thoughtfully, her wing stopping at her chin once she was on her feet. That must mean Fang gave up on whatever she was saving for. So who was the Faerie paint brush for?

Other Stories


Boss Battles of NQ3
This article will detail what are, in my opinion, the five hardest boss battles in the game.

by yoyti


An April Fools Addict
It's very funny but three hundred and sixty-four days of the year (and an extra one on leap years) I'm a very sensible, ordinary person.

by aifricr


The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Two
Irazen stopped fiddling with his beard and pulled out a locket that hung around his neck and underneath his robes. The Emperor stared for a moment and laid it upon his heart. "I will find you," he whispered...

by kathleen_kate


Once a Scarab: Part Ten
Nabile slipped her knife onto her belt – the only thing she had left to do was to cover her face and hair with a wrap like the desert traders used, so that no one would recognize her before the fighting began.

by saphira_27


NeoQuest III
Fight fire with fire! ...Or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

by nut862


Benefits of Being Zombie
They have their ways.

by ultra_neo_maniac

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