Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,271,873 Issue: 551 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Short Stories

One Act of Kindness

I paced through my room, pulling my own hair out at the stress. Not just for me, but for my Neopet.

by sakrathehedgie
Letters, Snorkles, Slander

You, dear sir, are the very sort of person that is so inherently dreadful that the dirt you touch feels itself to be unclean.

by hermione_890_neo
Daring to Fly

Vivi had never left Faerieland before. She wasn't like the others, coming and going as they pleased by the wings on their backs.

by jun2dak
Born To Play

He lived and breathed the Altador Cup, and today he was going to watch his first ever match.

by sophieninetyfive
A Relic Problem

"I'm not a statue," he said, "I am a relic pet."

"What's a relic?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," he said, "but I do not like it."

by terabithian

Ilere of the Woods

Kell lowers himself to the ground and turns to face his companion. "Obviously you've never heard of the legend."

by epiic_spork
To Watch The Altador Cup

"You can go and swab decks to see how much hard work it takes to even survive here! Let alone go to Altador!"

by gigglygiggle

"Ella! I've been invited to Cadenia's sleepover!" I shouted.

by _neo_kami_91
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The Grundo Guide

I'm the proud parent of five Grundos so far, probably more to come. Since I can't adopt every Grundo in Neopia by myself, I want to share some things I've learned about Grundos to help show others what great pets they are. If you're considering a new pet, this could show you why to pick a Grundo and which color to pick. If you already own a Grundo, maybe this can shed a little light on some of the funny, special things your Grundo...

Other Stories


Neopian Book Reviews: Book of Chemical Reactions
The Book of Chemical Reactions is described as a way to learn about harmless and not-so-harmless chemical reactions.

by dr_tomoe


The Employment Agency: Stats for BusinessPets
Every 10 minutes, new jobs are added for business-minded Neopets to complete. My Neopet Arlera loves completing jobs; she's completed over 800 now, and she's asked me to share a few tips...

by emeraldpaws


The Eternal Paint Brushes: Part Four
The paint brushes were gone as well, and though Psellia didn't know what they were, if the Betrayer wanted them, it couldn't mean anything good.

by rider_galbatorix


Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Seven
Black woke to the sight of a yellow Wocky in slightly dirty pink pyjamas standing in front of him. 

It was not the sight he was expecting.

by herdygerdy


Aisha Aisha ~ The Trouble with Collectibles
Starring SparklingPluto

by sprinklingneptune


Fishing Goes Wrong

by aruanahansel

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