Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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Short Stories

Of the Fall

It had been a good long while, Queen Fyora thought sadly, since she'd seen such destruction.

by microfilariae

My name is Annie. And it has been seventeen months, nineteen days, and eleven hours.

by littlemouse_rbd
No Longer Lonely

Neovia was always a dark place.

by johannabelle2009
A Self-Employed Writer

Altador is the place to go if you want to make it as a writer.

by chestnuttiger787
Landing Stars

"I was crashing," he said.

"Yes, quite fortunately for you, I noticed."

by eternus_dragon

The Road to My Dream Zap

I have been the lab pet for years.

by streamergurl
The Governor's Secret

You are only as good as your last success. It didn't matter to this scurvy lot that he, Harnigold, was the most successful pirate ever to sail the seas of Neopia.

by purple_rach
A Friendship to Span the Seasons

The Shadow Lupe stepped into the grounds of the boarding school. He breathed in the fresh clean air of Spring, taking in his surroundings.

by yin_yin_7
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"Landing Stars" by eternus_dragon
Unfortunately, the computer interface could not be unplugged or otherwise made to shut up, and would continue pronouncing their doom until they were a scrap-metal crater against the burning earth. Unit Designation LaviniaMai made a memo to himself to, if he survived this, rectify the flaw...

Other Stories


Why You Should Participate in the Altador Cup
I've compiled a list of reasons you should join in on the fun.

by moonandflowers


What Is YOUR Gaming Philosophy?
Curious about how people regard the games on this site, I wandered over to the Games Neoboard and asked everyone to contribute their opinions!

by indulgences


King of the Land of the Sun: Part Seven
The Darkest Faerie, once called Melanthe by those who knew her, stepped out of the middle of the flames in the dark space. "Why, hello, Altador."

by saphira_27


Cybunny Down: Part Two
"What if this is all for nothing and we don't find the island or the Cybunnies?"

by x_raynebow_x


Broken Pixels
I carry this diagram around with me just for situations like this.

by squeaky_duck


Reasons to join Lost Desert for the Altador Cup
1. Eyeliner

Ideas by rizi1989

by aniaki86

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