Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 182,428,753 Issue: 322 | 14th day of Celebrating, Y9
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Wafflecone Tragedies (oh sob.)

by nickulla

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Omg!! Shiny Object #2
An insight into the mind of the Whack-a-Kass Blumaroo

by eatmoresushi


Complete Randomness
So that's why it keeps exploding!

Story by phoebe1487

by zaf18jay


Tales of Dark Mountain: Moonlight - Part Five
Alex stared in wide-eyed amazement at the dark shape on the horizon. "We're almost there," he whispered...

by kaylamdal111112


The Kiko Lake War: Part Two
Lucy-Ann sat back in her rocking chair. "I'm a pacifist, you know. I don't believe in wars..."

by electric_gustav

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