Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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Mischievous Beginnings of Friendship

by seoulful

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The Governor's Secret
You are only as good as your last success. It didn't matter to this scurvy lot that he, Harnigold, was the most successful pirate ever to sail the seas of Neopia.

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My name is Annie. And it has been seventeen months, nineteen days, and eleven hours.

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Desert Journey: Part Ten
Exhausted, Noel grabbed his hook from the ice and tucked the rope back under his cloak. The roars of the Skeiths were getting closer. They needed to move fast.

by cureleantwilight


Journey to the Hidden Tower
More dangerous than a trip to the Haunted Woods.

by krychek2001

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