Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,605,213 Issue: 612 | 13th day of Gathering, Y15
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And the Scarab Jumped Over the Moon

by brimk1

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Heroes of Kiko Lake (Part 1)
Not exactly Gallery of Heroes material...

by noobspeak


The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step: Part One
"Please, just two more days! You don't understand! Something like this cannot be a half-hearted effort!"

Also by drobit

by typlohisioh


Meepit x Feepit: Magic Tricks
Let the battle begin.

by leites


Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Seven
Kendra, Brett, and Colston snaked their way through the tunnels of the Underground. They had been traversing the labyrinth for hours, but they felt as if they were getting nowhere fast.

by blue_thunder94

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