Regulations for the Spooky Food Eating Contest by moonandflowers
The Spooky Shindig Society is fairly new to most of us. This is the first year they're putting on the Spooky Food Eating Contest, which has quickly become a huge hit. But it seems they're particularly strict about their regulations. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has begun cheering for my favorite contestant but was silenced by a stern look from Mr. Tippens himself. So, curious, I did some research. As it turns out, the Spooky Shindig Society is fairly secretive about their list of rules. With a bit of convincing, however, I was able to get my hands on the extensive list of absurd (but necessary, I'm sure) rules and regulations for the Spooky Food Eating Contest. Some of them make a lot of sense, such as the rule that each contestant will be presented the same dishes in order. Some of them, however, such as the banned ingredients that sprinkle the list, make little to no sense. I was permitted to share a segment of the list with you.1. Cheering and heckling will be kept to a minimum. Noise may distract the contestants and make it difficult to hear the judge. We do understand that utter silence is unrealistic, so each spectator may cheer every few minutes or so. Each spectator is allowed a certain amount of times they may cheer or boo per day, and after they have reached that limit, they are asked to wait until the next day of the contest to continue making noise at the contest. 2. All meals will be presented in their entirety, and in the most artful way as possible. It does not matter what food it is, it shall be presented well enough to look like it is supposed to not only be eaten, but to be enjoyed. 3. There will be no vinegar used in any dish. 4. Every audience member must be finely dressed in order to watch the contest. This is Neovia, not Tyrannia. If a Tyrannian wishes to spectate, it is in their best interest to dress as finely as they can. 5. A new plate of food will be presented to each contestant as soon as they are finished with their current dish. Dishes will be presented in the same order to each contestant. 6. There will be no currants used in any dish. 7. In case of rain, umbrellas will be provided for the contestants and announcer. The announcer will hold their own, while the contestants may enlist the help of anyone who is not involved in the contest to hold their umbrella for them. Choosing not to have anyone hold the umbrella for them will be considered a handicap, and will not add to their "dishes eaten" count. 8. The event may be recorded only in writing and still pictures. Moving pictures, audio, or any other type of recording to ever come about, is forbidden. 9. Vegetarian items may be substituted in, in the case of a vegetarian, as long as the chef is made aware prior to the contest. There will be no meat substitutes for vegetables, however. 10. If a contestant becomes ill, and do not feel well within the thirty minute rest period, they will be forced to resign from the contest. 11. In the case of a kitchen catastrophe, the audience may offer up dishes they have made until the problem is under control. Each dish must, however, go through various tests to ensure that it is not enchanted or cursed in any way, shape, or form. There must also be enough to serve each contestant the same amount of the same dish, in order to follow rule number five. 12. Members of the Thieves Guild are not permitted to enter the contest, and may only watch from the front of the crowd, where a good eye may be kept on them. Members of the Thieves Guild are reminded that The Sway are always watching, and miss nothing. 13. There will be no hair of any kind used in any dish. 14. Hooded figures who attend the contest must be escorted out by an authority figure. Contestants and onlookers are advised to not look at, speak to, or listen to the hooded figures. 15. Contestants may sleep at the table for a maximum of thirty minutes at a time. They may not, however, fall asleep in their food. If they do, the dish must be re-made, and they must eat the entire new dish. 16. There will be no fried food served in the contest. 17. Deserts will be served at the beginning of the contest. Every third plate of food will also be a desert. The last dish served, should any contestant get there, will be a plate of appetizers. 18. Spectators may not give gifts to the contestants until after the contest. Any gift given to a contestant prior to or during the contest will be adequately disposed of. 19. Spectators are forbidden from using any item that has been enchanted, cursed, or otherwise tinkered with magically to help or hinder any contestant in any way. Sludge rays, and any similar sort of ray, are also forbidden. 20. In the case of an attack by Dr. Sloth, the Pant Devil, or any other villain, contestants may attempt to take out the threat with any food they are in the middle of eating. If they manage to defeat the antagonist, they will gain two dishes towards their "eaten dishes" count. If they do not succeed, the contest will be put on a hold until the Defenders of Neopia respond to the call. 21. Audience members are urged not to bring their petpets to the competition, in order to comply with the health code. If an audience member does bring their petpet, they are asked to carry it, and to make sure they clean up after it. 22. Should the contest end in a tie, constants will take turns throwing left over food at each other until one or the other of them falls down. The contestant left winning will be declared the winner.