Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,771,194 Issue: 619 | 1st day of Storing, Y15
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by plushi_teddi

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Making Neopoints With Little Effort
I present to you the easiest and simplest ways of earning neopoints.

by rider_galbatorix


The Orbs of Power: Part Six
As luck would have it, another trading ship was soon to depart for a seaside village not far from Faerieland, where I knew I could make sure of my fitness before continuing to the Lost Desert on the wing...

by burning_shadows_79


Just Because I'm Little
You can't come!

by tashni


The Metal Lutari: Part One
I squeaked, accidently dropping our shopping bags in the process. I looked up, puzzled by the long dark robes that towered before me, until I got to the face – that's when my jaw dropped and my antennae dropped in fright. "Oh, M-Mr. Sloth, I'm so... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

by katiepfeil

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