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How to Colour Customise Your Neopet

by happytimewithmilk


We all know about customising our pets, am I right? We all know how to get the clothes, (NC or NP), put them in our closets, and put them on our neopets? No? Okay then, go do that first because otherwise, you're gonna need to read a different article!

Customisation. It's beautiful. Ever since it was first introduced back in 2007, our neopets became unique. Different. Our own. With so many NC and NP wearables, there are so many different combinations and styles we can choose. Our neopets can come alive so much these days! There is a problem with all of the wearables that are around though: there is just so many! How do I decide which nc items to buy?? How do I figure out exactly HOW to dress my beautiful faerie Draik?? Well, my friend, I am here for you. Read on.

The main thing we are going for here is to just be different. Don't use just a full superpack and call it a day. What's the fun in that? I know I know, there are some REALLY nice superpacks out there. I'm still drooling over the beauty that is the Garden Tea Superpack! (Also I'm going to rely on mostly NC items.)

So let's start off with a basic faerie Draik. (Shh, a basic yellow Kacheek would be even better, but stay with me; this will work out.)

Very pretty! Okay so to start off, we need to start thinking about exactly how we want to dress her. She's faerie, right, so just throw on every faerie item you have? Or just every single item in your closet that you love?

Wrong. Not the best example but you get my idea. Try not to put an item into every zone, first off. (I know how hard it can be to resist when you have so many wearables, but just don't! Too many items get cluttered and your pet gets lost under them!) Try to have a theme. The theme your pet could be is anything, really. It could be something like pirate or dark themed. Is your pet sporty? Boyish? A princess? That is something you need to figure out first!

I like to think that our example faerie Draik is a girly girl. She likes dresses and pretty colours. Our main theme is going to come from that and we're going to aim for the theme as colour. I'm not just talking about neopet colours here, pal! I'm talking about the actual colour that is our Draik. Faerie Draiks have a sort of blueish-green hue so we're gonna go for items that are like that. We'll also maybe go for some faerie items, to keep true to what she is. One of my favorite ways to dress my neopets is by the colour they are. I've had a pirate Aisha for years and her pirate colour is a silvery/gray and dressing her in silver themed items just makes her sparkle.

As you see here, I picked out the NC item Isca Wig for our Draik. Just to start off! The wig is very similar in colour and matches like it came with her. This is the sort of thing we are going for when we're making her colours match. Let's add a dress and maybe some gloves now:

Whoa! Not the way I wanted to go with this! It is a very nice example, though, that no matter how much you love that funky dress or gloves, sometimes certain items just don't go well with a certain coloured pet. Now back to where we were, adding some more items:

And now we have this! As you can see, I have added the items: Sparkling Promenade Gown, Shining Princess Shoes, Shining Princess Gloves, and Air Faerie Bubble Necklace. These items fall into the colour-code that we are going for. Sometimes, though, when you do this, the items start to melt together. That isn't something you want! You want them to go WELL together, not cancel or clash each other out. The best thing to do is to just play around with different items until you find the best combo.

Another personal favorite of mine when I'm doing a colour themed customisation is to mix it up a little. Throw in complementing colour with some wings or accessories. Two colours are even better than one! Here, I love how the gold and blue go together; they are very magical together, if I may say so myself. Now let's just add a few more items like a background, foreground and maybe some lights:

A few more items but now we're done! The items I added here are: Faerie City Balcony Background, Cloud Garland, Zenco Contacts, and White Bright String Lights. I also switched the last staff to Cloud Staff, to keep going with the faerie/cloud items. I now consider our Draik to be fully customised. It is possible to keep going and add more items like a left-handed item or even another typed foreground but you don't always have to do that!

I'm really a fan of my finished look and I hope you are too! As I said before, just go for it. Keep playing around with items until you find the perfect one and just keep making your neopets the beautiful creatures that they are. (Even that drooling mutant Gnorbu who your faerie Draik just hates!) Thanks for reading!

(Disclaimer: This article was just for fun! It's only meant to give you an idea on how to start a custom on your pet. I am not in any way telling you that you have to dress your neopet in a certain way, or that you have to buy/trade for these items! The funniest thing about Neopets is that you can do whatever you want with your neopets. You can dress them any way that you want or not even at all.)

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