Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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The Mini Guide to Faerie Quests

by xxlifexdeniedxx


Imagine you're lying out on a cloud beside the Rainbow Fountain, and you watch the air Faeries zip around above you. One lands right by your picnic basket and appears to be looking all around for something. Finally, she turns to you, "Won't you help me find my Pink Koi Plushie?" You agree, in hopes that you will be rewarded handsomely, and set out towards the Plushie Shop. "We are fresh out!" the shopkeeper promises you as you beg him to check in the back. Your Neopet even flashes one of its saddest looks as the shopkeeper agrees. Even after the shop restocks it looks like you are out of luck. You trudge by some of the lesser known shops with even less luck and might even stumble into a mall or two only to find your item is either out of stock or ridiculously expensive. Discouraged, you think about telling the Faerie you just can't do it. But you are forgetting something... aren't you?

Until recently, Faerie quests were few and the lucky Neopians that received them could usually scrape something together by browsing a fellow Neopian's shop or snatching up an item before the restockers picked apart a storefront. In light of the recent Faerie generosity, it may be time to brush up on a few of our forgotten or neglected ways of helping out the questers as some of the most requested items may be harder to find.

For those of you who has no clue what a Faerie quest is, you certainly have missed out. You see, every once in a while (or as the case has been--every day!) a Faerie will drop down and ask a Neopet to find something they might need for a spell or even something they might have lost while whizzing around the sky. These items range from a very attainable Red Lipstick to the rarest, most sought after card in a Neodeck. However, you cannot turn to the Shop Wizard for help!

I know what you're thinking. "But how do I find the item if the restockers have already cleared that item from its store?! What if I don't already have that item in my inventory?? How do I find things without a Shop Wizard??"

Calm down, don't panic, and keep reading.

The best way to find the item you are looking for is the Neoboards! There are plenty of kind Neopians out there who will devote a at least a minute to help you find your item. Some will even devote hours of time just to hunt down the lowest shop price for your needed item. Occasionally, generous Neopians with some neopoints to spare will even give you the item you need!

It is always right to express your thanks for the time it took to hunt down your item even if you end up not purchasing it (some quest items may be a bit out of budget!). If you are really feeling grateful, you can even send that Neopian a little token of gratitude. Just the other day DimitriDimi and I received a Lost Desert Scratchcard that won us a Sand Snowball! It is a great way to thank the Neopian for giving up their valued time that could have been spent making neopoints in a round of Snowmuncher.

If you do turn to the Neoboards for help, make sure you do not clutter up boards with stuff and nonsense. If you have made a new neofriend on the board feel free to neomail them about the vacation you just took to Meridell or why your Chocolate Kacheek just haaad to have those expensive shoes from the NC Mall. On the board, however, limit your posts to just your item name (make sure you spell everything right!) and your extremely clever signature. Then feel free to take an island tour while you give your helpful Neopian a chance to ask the Shop Wizard about your item.

If you are the one helping out a quester, please remember that you are HELPING them. There are some Neopians who will buy the item you need and place it in their shop with a high price, passing it off as the lowest price the Shop Wizard could find! Remember that if you were on a quest you would not want to be cheated out of those extra neopoints you were saving for a ritzy night out at Kelp!

If you are looking at quests as a way to make money, then consider buying some of the cheaper requested items to place in your shop. DimitriDimi and I have seen several people searching for Streams of Light, Goldwings, and just about every shade of lipstick in the Beauty Shop! Buy these items directly from the shops, or find Neopians already selling them. Put them in your own shop for just a few neopoints more and go off to see a concert in Tyrannia. If you keep your items reasonably priced, then the helpful Neopians on the neoboards are sure to direct questers your way. Just remember not to make the price TOO high or no one will want to buy your item!

There, now that's what you forgot, wasn't it? Now you can hop on those neoboards and politely ask some kindhearted Neopians to lend you a hand. You wait around playing Godori with your Neopet and the next thing you know you are on your way to a little shop that has the needed Pink Koi Plushie at a very reasonable price. You purchase the plushie and head back to the cloud where you first met that air Faerie. She is so delighted that she casts a spell on your Neopet and he feels stronger. Having completed your quest you resume your cloud picnic. What a fantasti--What's this?!

The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Ownow Petting Techniques."

Looks like I am about to embark on a quest of my own. Wish me luck, and see you on those Neoboards fellow questers!

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