There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,673,963 Issue: 655 | 25th day of Swimming, Y16
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by kadface


The Snowager

     DO NOT ENTER Cavern

     The Ice Caves

     Terror Mountain

     North Neopia

      Dear Mr. Snowager,

     I am writing to you today to thank you for the kindness you showed me when you visited the café last Monday. It was certainly a pleasure to meet you and I hope you will come see us again soon. I hope you are well, and you found your treasure trove intact when you visited it, I know how crafty some Chias can be, after all! The negg you gave has been put pride of place upon the counter and I have been sure to polish it every day. It sparkles wonderfully in the morning light. Leice keeps threatening to sell it (in the form of a pie if I understood his mutterings correctly), but I've managed to keep his hands off for the time being. You might be interested to know the stew we served you couldn't have sold faster! I think it might have been something to do with your icicle of approval on the specials board.

     Hope you can write back,

     Stana the Waitress

     P.S. Do your icicles ever melt? It's been there for a few days now without even a droplet of water forming!


     Dear Snowager,

      He did it! I had to rub my eyes when I saw the special on the board I could scarcely believe it. The one time I have the morning off work, that foolish cook went ahead and served up the jewelled negg. What a waste – I should have taken it home before he had the chance. It didn't even taste nice in my opinion.

      I heard you sent the courier running when he came to deliver my last letter! He spent the rest of the morning nursing his pride over a cup of tea in the café. I felt simply awful. I've promised him that you won't chase him again – I hope you won't anyway – it's getting more impossible to find people willing to trek to the ice caves lately with the winds picking up. I hope you're safe and warm cold in your cavern. I wouldn't like to think you as uncomfortable. You should visit before the snowfall blocks off the mountain pass.

      With fondness


     P.S. We set your icicle up as a coat hook – it's become remarkably useful.

     P.P.S. Leice wants you to send another negg if you can. I don't think you should.


      Dear Snowager,

      Just when you think the weather was going to get worse, look at the beautiful sun we have now! I hope you don't mind me sending letters to you, I know at least you were kinder to the poor delivery lad, so I hope you're enjoying them.

      Is it hard only sleeping for three hours a day? I know I couldn't do it, my bed is just too cosy in the morning. I suppose if I knew that there are neopets lining up outside my home to take your possessions lest you sleep, I would only nap when I could.

      The café is busier than ever, I'm writing this in between making the coffee for the sudden inrush. I think Ski Season must be just starting, there appear to be a lot more Usuls than normal with their fancy gear, talking about various types of snow. It's all Tyrannian to me though. I'll keep you updated, I'm sure you must get nervous when Terror Mountain gets busy.

      Your Friend,


     P.S. Leice asks about the neggs. Again.


     Dear Snowy,

      So much to tell you! I'll start with the skiers. I had a nice talk with two young Usuls, they've come all the way from the Lost Desert to watch the Apline Challenge. I was giving them a light-hearted warning about your cavern, but they had already heard of you! Seems you're famous all over Neopia. Apparently there are even toys based on you for sale in Neopia Central. They've promised to ask a friend to bring one when he arrives tomorrow, I hope it's a plushie, I'll come up and show you if Leice will let me have an afternoon off.

      Something very exciting happened today, well, it was exciting for Snowy Valley news anyway. My friend, the extremely famous and second most famous visitor to the café, Tarak, became the first Neopian to ever eat the infamous Snowdrift Café Mountain of Nachos! Just imagine a stack of nachos, four foot high and three foot wide, covered in sour cream and chilli sauce. I think even you might struggle with that Snowy! It took him five hours to get through it, but by golly did he manage it. He swore never to eat another nacho ever again.

     Snow is falling. Reminds me of you. I'll see you soon.


     P.S. Thank you for the negg. I've hidden it from the wandering hands of Leice. Och aye.


     To Snowy,

      Just a quick message this time. It arrived! The toy of you from Neopia Central. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you what it is. I was just letting you know I would come up to see you this afternoon to show you.

     With excited hugs,



     To Snowy,

      I'm so glad you liked the Usuki! Also. Thank you for not attacking me. I know I told you at the time, but I just can't believe how big your cave is! It certainly looked homely. My friends didn't believe me when they said I had gone to visit you. I told them that not only had I managed to touch the horde (do you remember that silly game us young neopets used to play?), but I had even hugged a Snowager. Mouths fell open. It was very amusing.

      Apparently the Alpine Challenge is to end in a week's time, at least according to Leice. He seemed somewhat saddened by it, I think he secretly likes cooking a lot of food – although he appears to only have his wee naps as little as you now! I can hear him singing in the kitchen now, clattering his pots.

      Must dash, more customers have just arrived. Never a moment's rest!

     With love,




     Are you okay? I heard a rumbling from the ice caves earlier.. Nevermind, a Chia just entered with a green sack over his shoulder. He could barely keep all the neggs in! I gave him a piece of my mind, I can tell you. The sack is back on its way to you. The nasty thief ran off when Leice came out of the kitchen with a frying pan in his hand when he heard the commotion. I've told the courier to be careful – there's a hole in the bag. Did you do that?

     Hope you're okay.



     To the best Snowy there ever was,

      How can I ever thank you! How did you know I always wanted to have a Snowickle for a petpet. He's absolutely perfect. I think I might call him Snowy Jr. if that's okay? I'll be sure to bring him to visit you from time to time. He's already trying to blow icicles.

      You'll be especially glad to hear that all the Usuls are gone, and with them the crowds of spectators that people like that wretched Chia can hide in. The café is quiet again, well, except for the snoring of Leice of course.

      You should come visit. I mean it this time.

     Stana & Snowy Jr.

     P.S. Thank you for everything

The End

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