Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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The Perils of An Only Pet

With only one pet to take care of, single pet owners make sure that their pet is treated like a king or queen.

by 101monica101
Delicious Debating or How To Win Your Argument

Imagine you're on your favourite board, posting happily away when suddenly someone else challenges you. They might say you’re a "n00b" or that your account is too young for you to have a clue about anything.

by quaste
Shenkuu Warrior: The Epic Sensation

In this game, you play as an almost magical, seemingly weightless Gnorbu...

by privateskipper
Background Voices of Neopia: Lord Darigan

Here's the thing about citadels: nobody goes to citadels. Ever. They're cold, damp, lack any sort of beachfront property, and almost always seem to be inhabited by deposed despots walking around in their bathrobes.

by too_kule
Everything You Need to Know About Key Quest!

When it's your turn, there are 2 things you can do. If you have one, you can use a Power Up.

by oxbridge_united
Top Ten Petpetpets

Ah, petpetpets. They are not the oldest things on Neopets, yet they seem to already have found their place...

by reeses_pet
Neopians for Darkness

All right, so maybe I'm exaggerating. Just a little bit, though! Nobody's that nice.

by pdonkeh
Which Faerie Should You Fear?

Answer ten simple questions and find out who would be your faerie nemesis.

by anamya
Chocolate Pwns! (But Some of it Doesn't)

We have taken on the task of eating countless chocolates in order to find the best--and worst--chocolates in Neopia.

Also by princesspinky379

by chocolate_fudge7

A Faerie Festival Day Lunch

In tribute to the Faerie Festival, I've put together some of my favourite Faerieland recipes to make one amazing Faerie luncheon!

by kwake_
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Faerie Festival: Lunch

Aaaaaand, welcome to today's episode of "So You Think You Can Cook"! Today's topic: The famous Faerie Festival! Now, every year, the Faeries hold a grand celebration to honor, well, themselves! Rumor has it that they're particularly giving this time of year, so if you meet one, don't be afraid to go say hi! Unless it's a dark Faerie. Then run. Anyway, the Faeries have always blessed Neopets with magical abilities and what-not, but in my opinion, the best gift a Faerie could give me is some delicious Faerie food!

Other Stories


A Quoogle?!
A Gullible Yellow Wocky tells everyone in Neopia Central a silly rumor she heard.

by pinkyluver123


Cassandra was in place, in the middle of the Haunted Woods. It was one of Balthazar's main hunting locations...

by jdb1984


Greatclaw: Part One
The Draik glanced around him. He turned his head towards the guards riding behind him. "We must hurry. We must get to Brightvale before the sun rises."

by kaylamdal111112


Sunlight Sonata: Part Two
"This pendant can take us to a different reality, if we activate it."

by kittengriffin


"PLANT" Devil
This is for all of the people who call the Pant Devil the Plant Devil!

by meghavefun02


The Latest NC Mall *cough* Fashion *cough* Item
Soon to be on sale!

by carrotopian

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