Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 191,668,192 Issue: 614 | 27th day of Gathering, Y15
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If You Could Talk To Your Newbie Self...

What sort of advice would you give him or her? Intrigued by this idea, I stalked the Neoboards and recorded what they'd love to have known as newbies!

by indulgences
5 Steps to Perfecting Your Pet’s Style

As someone who has spent an embarrassingly huge amount of time customizing my pets, I'd like to think I've become something of an expert on the topic.

by pizzanoodles2
The Other Way to Creatively Write on Neopets

Two words: Story Telling!

by jarjarhead989
Top 10 Ice Creams and Ice Lollies

Mmmmm.... ice cream. Loved by all, hated by none. And ice lollies! They're on a STICK! Oh my gosh, STICKS!

by fairygold
5 Tips to Build a Spotlight-Worthy Gallery

Now is your chance to learn all about what it takes to design, build, collect, and grow a spotlight-worthy gallery.

by desirae336
Profiting on Impatience

Reselling is growing in popularity as a means of making large amounts of NP in weeks or even days.

by tashni
The Quick and Easy BC Guide

So you want to earn sparkly trophies for your beloved pet's lookup? Entering the Beauty Contest is one way to accumulate a few shiny pet medals.

by _koolness_
Sniff That! 9 Scents You DON'T Want To Wear

For every delicious fragrance, there is at least one other that is disgusting in smell.

by schoolwars
Grarrl Day Festivities!

Ways to celebrate your Grarrl on Grarrl Day!

by mreilynne
Regulations for the Spooky Food Eating Contest

This is the first year they're putting on the Spooky Food Eating Contest, which has quickly become a huge hit. But it seems they're particularly strict about their regulations.

by moonandflowers
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"Lisha's Lament" by parody_ham
I sometimes wonder what might have happened if my brother never came to Meridell. If we never came to Meridell. Might the war over the orb have been won? Perhaps, perhaps not. I like to think we did our share, that all of us fought valiantly against Lord Darigan, that there was nothing more we could do...

Other Stories


Decisions, Decisions
"Alright," Kayixu sighed. "Where should our new Neohome be located?"

by kayixu


The Quest
It was an unfortunate truth that Meridellians were full of pride for their kingdom.

by graveyardcandyapple


Agent of the Sway: Betrayal - Part Three
Thaddeus Oldnose and Alvare Thornpipe were waiting in the clearing near the Order's library when the carriage arrived. Oldnose kept glancing over his shoulder, as if they would soon be discovered...

by herdygerdy


Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Two
Illere looked confused. "But why?" she wondered. "Why would you want to keep this a secret from your daughter?"

by downrightdude


Heroes of Kiko Lake (Part 2)
Is that really your primary source of information?

by noobspeak


Paintbrush Problems: Magma Edition
There's a reason why they only swim in the Magma Pool.

by aeroon

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