Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,495,956 Issue: 650 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y16
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Journalist Essentials - The Tools For Your Success!

What are the essential tools of being a journalist? Any aspiring journalist must have asked themselves this ultimate question at one point in their budding career!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682

Worth a Thousand Words

We all see them in every issue; those little pictures that are meant to grab your eyes and make you curious enough to click over to the story.

by shinkoryu14
Top Ten Kau Day Items!

June 19th is Kau Day and to help honor these famous Kaus and celebrate Kaus all over Neopia and their day, we are going to do a countdown of our top ten favorite Kau items in Neopia.

Also written by pearl12388

by mikh26

The Neopian Times - Special Edition Prizes

Every special edition of the Neopian Times, TNT rewards its writers with a prize.

Also by sakura_dreamer

by vitorplemes

Altador Travel Brochure

Nestled between the mountain range west of the Haunted Woods and a beautiful shore opening up to the sea, you will find one of the richest and most beautiful cities in all of Neopia: Altador.

Also by annrawr

by dragonsfriend1021

Top Ten "Essential" Wigs for Your Closet

Top ten essential wigs that should be in your closet.

by auraichadora
15 Items Every Writer Needs

So you want to be a Neopian Times writer?

by happytimewithmilk
How to Impress for Less

Ever look at an account and scroll down in amazement at their achievements but think you'll never be able to get to that point? Well, this guide is for you.

by fr0zenpeanut
Three Types of Neopians

Today's Neopians are just as passionate about their 'pets as ever, but—as you'll see—in a rather different way than before.

by swordlilly
Missing Milestones

There have been some notable absences from some famous Neopians, so I caught up with them to find out why they had yet to to be published in one of these issues.

by usukii
Celebrating the 650th with New Trophies!

I will be sharing suggestions for easy trophies that you can add to your shiny collection.

by flotsam_freako_8254
Behind The Hooves - A Tale Of Famous Kaus

An article that is 100 percent about Kaus!

by quiggles_r_kewl_1
Dressing the Part – Neopian Times Issue 650

All the fashion that's fit to print!

by katiecoo802
Dressing like a Weewoo

We decided to create our very personal White Weewoo outfit to celebrate this milestone, waiting for an official White Weewoo superpack!

Also by amarillida

by martia_elior

Putting The Fun In Fundamentals - Reading In Neopia

Don't turn your back on reading! It doesn't have to be a grind in pursuit of a distant, apparently unreachable reward.

by grouchybeast
Fifteen Feline Petpets

Hello and welcome to the list you've never known that you've also wanted to read!

by pebblesnbambam1
6 – 5 – 0 Guide to Creating Neopian Wealth

Tips the very best and wealthiest players use to rise to the top.

by blackwater444
Neopian Fashions: 650th Neopian Times Special Issue

The perfect Neopoint and Neocash clothing items, backgrounds, and accessories guaranteed to be perfect for any reporters' and writers' attire.

by petpet_master_
How to Achieve an 18-0 Victory in Yooyuball

Today I challenge every player who reads this to go for the very difficult and elusive "perfect game" of yooyuball.

by drazu
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"Rejection Letters" by cosmicfire918
It is with utmost and sincerest apology that I, King Jazan of Qasala, write to you to beg forgiveness for my utterly untoward acts in the last half of Year 7. I fully admit to my uncouth forwardness in gaining audience with you through unscrupulous means and burdening you with my unpleasant conversation and brusque...

Other Stories


The Plushie Chomby Balloon
In time, the boy grew up...

by psychedelicreature


Neopian Times Headquarters: Issue 650 Preparations
"Another batch of entries for the next anniversary issue, Di!"

by purplekacheek18


Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Eight
"Of all the situations I've trained for, nothing could prepare me for this." The knight's voice quivered. "And yet..."

by parody_ham


Concerning Smugglers: Part Four
The Lost Sail was pitching and rolling. The waves, which had looked so harmless only ten days ago, were now peaking higher than the mast of the ship.

Also by whitefriar

by kadface


Paint Brush Problems: 650th Special (5/9)
You'd get hungry, too, if you had to deliver all those newspapers.

Written by usasoccr

by msjanny


All New by the All Loose
All new Wishing Well

Also by desirethin

by laura_solitudine

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