Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 191,157,662 Issue: 598 | 7th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Short Stories

The Discards

Fishy hurried down the street, moving as quickly as he could without attracting too much attention. He needed to get away. There was no way he was going back to the pound.

by everever
Tim and the Omelette

Tim is a very hungry and adventurous little Kadoatie!

by _papercranes
The Race

Summer is on its way but some Neopians want to escape the warm weather.

by katniss_66
Losing Our Sister

I have always looked up to my older sister even though she's a Baby Korbat. She always knows how to make me smile and laugh; she cannot speak very well, but the sounds she makes makes my heart flutter. She's beautiful and I will always love her, but I will never forget the day that I almost lost her.

by heartachexoxo
History of an Order Head

Rasala the Bright was not always known as such, and she was not always a brilliant, gifted magician—in fact, many, many years back in time, she was known simply as Rasala, and had no magic of her own...

by cybunny_2000567
Tales of NeoQuest II: Mipsy the Magnificent Magician

In Meridell, there is a town called White River City where, across a stuck bridge, a certain blue Acara sits and waits for something – but what that something is, she isn't entirely sure yet.

by faeriequeenoffire
Meeting Qualsins

I absolutely did not want to go. We were headed to a place that I never wanted to visit in my entire life - The Neopian Pound.

by gyosco
Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter XII

Persistence and Yooyuballs

by kristykimmy
Search the Neopian Times


"The Day After Lutari Day" by aethelar
We were taking the day off to enjoy a trip to the beach. Bannok, my young and eternally curious Kyrii, was beside himself with excitement. One moment he was dashing around the rock pools and exclaiming over every shell and colourful seaweed he found, the other he was paddling at the edge of sea, demanding that I, "Look, Mummy, look! It's up to..."

Other Stories


Smiliest Petpets
Every Neopian knows that a happy Neopet is only complete when it has a perfect petpet to accompany it.

Also by ruben160

by water_park1993


Petpets for Summer
Have you ever wanted to have your own Petpet before, but don't want one that'll shed all over the new furniture you bought for your Neohome?

by absol_wolf


King of the Land of the Sun: Part Eight
The fortress ahead of them was larger than Altador had anticipated – a sprawling ruin of dark stone stacked into hole-riddled walls and crumbling towers...

by saphira_27


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Esteem - Part Seven
It was four days before Gary had recovered enough to be allowed to walk around. His head injury probably would have taken much longer to heal then that, but fortunately it seemed that Abyssal Acres was allowed to have healing potions even if they weren't allowed soldiers...

by shinkoryu14


Oh No, That Fanatic Techo Again...
Soley is running to the goal!!!

by sakura_dreamer


Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Appreciation
It's Petpet Appreciation Day!

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

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