Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,605,213 Issue: 612 | 13th day of Gathering, Y15
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Short Stories

Cousin Catastrophe

It all started on a normal morning. Everyone was up, eating breakfast, rubbing their eyes, Prince and Nicky wrestling on the kitchen floor. Yeah, we're not a normal family.

by melina322
A Singer for the Awakened

"What's wrong with you all?" asked Cordeilla. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

by tudorrose1558
The Not So Deserted Tomb?

Cindaquil and Espeeon were born far apart, but nobody can deny that they are twins.

by itsaliceinwonderland
Unlucky Streak

Some days in Neopia just don't go your way.

by jennyluo45678
A Most Peculiar Family!

Sometimes your family is a little bit different - but that doesn't mean it's not amazing!

by gloomrain
Remembering Mr. Scary

Outside, the sky darkened. Both neopets tensed and looked outside. Darigan Citadel was floating overhead again.

by _vinegirl_
History of the Swamp Gas Techo Ban

It would be a Chocolate Ball that everyone would remember for years to come.

by dr_tomoe
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"A Singer for the Awakened" by tudorrose1558
Moonlight shone down brightly through the trees of the Haunted Woods, bathing everything in a pale white glow. In a clearing located in a part of the woods not far from Neovia, a ghost Ixi was dancing and singing. Her long wavy hair whipped about her as she pranced and twirled through the clearing. Though she was a good dancer, singing was what she really did best. Her high, crystalline soprano voice was lovely and at the same time quite eerie as it rang out through the trees...

Other Stories


Semi-Healthy Ways to Deal With Edna
The lone witch sends Neopians and their pets trudging across the different worlds of Neopia to find items that she needs to complete her latest spell.

by chunky12316


Which Neoboard Fits your Neo Style?
The goal of this guide is to familiarize you with the various Neoboards, discuss the type of user who frequents each board, and help you to make an informed decision about where to hang out.

by ph1sh


Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Four
"There is a clue somewhere within these pages. Something in here is valuable enough to cause a Grarrl to risk several years locked up in some foul dungeon. It is up to us, now, to figure out what it is and where."

by emblo93


The Deep Woods: Part Two
"So basically," Phil began, "you could've let me go at any time?"

Also by j_harkness

by indefatigably


Boochi's Bother
Not the face!

Also by lezitto_xp

by horse_lovee


Unlikeable Sort
Something has happened!

by keese_bat

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