Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 191,949,128 Issue: 625 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Short Stories

Christmas in the City

City snow isn't pretty.

by eclipxedrose

"I feel the chill biting into my bones. Do you feel it too?"

by the_pie_love
Gifts of a Different Kind

Hello, old friend. Has it been a day already?

by valianttsadhe
Early Christmas Presents

I was in the pound, you know. Just one of the abandoned basic pets, sitting in a cage just like everyone else.

by lady_snowfaerie
A Heartwarming Christmas

I used to be an unhappy resident of Happy Valley.

by shadyy15
Family Feud: The Gift Exchange

1,870 neopoints. That was all. And 50 of it had been scraped from the sidewalks of Neopia Central.

by secant
Twelve Days of Villainy

Is sending me a Magical Gold Meerca Plushie and turning me into a Meerca really your idea of a good Borovan Day gift?

by mystie06
This Year

"I'd really like a tree this year, sister."

by purrgatory
A Brynnso Christmas Special

The following is a script commissioned by Queen Fyora herself due to the increasing demand for more Christmas-themed plays in her tower around this time of year.

by rielcz
There's No Place Like Qasala for the Holidays

Jazan massaged his forehead, leaning over the card-strewn table in exasperation as Nabile erupted into a fit of laughter beside him. "Why do I always lose at this game?" he groaned, adding the pile to his hand of twenty cards.

by cosmicfire918
Through the Snow

"Why do they call it Terror Mountain if there's nothing terrorizing about it?"

by melina322
This Christmas

"So, what was Christmas like on the Space Station?" I asked Buzz as I turned in my article.

by kristykimmy
How The Thieves Guild Almost Stole the Day of Giving

"Meh." Sirocco rolled his eyes. "All I ever get is coal."

Ashlynne giggled as she read one of her spellbooks. "Perhaps it's because you steal most of your 'presents'?"

by mecha_fang

The Crusaders of Kindness: Day of Giving

Three days before the Day of Giving, the bi-monthly meeting of the Crusaders of Kindness took place in Mr. Arnold Fairtree's living room.

by emblo93
A Petpet for the Day of Giving

Shenkuu was covered in snow. Now this wasn't an unusual occurrence. Even though Terror Mountain was the most famous for getting the white, fluffy cold stuff, almost all of the other lands had to experience winter at least once a year.

by eevee0011
Overdoing Borovan Day

She was covered with a warm blanket and had a nice cup of tea at her side within easy reach. Her Petpet, a Puppyblew named Puddles, was sleeping soundly next to her. There couldn't have been a better way to spend such a chilly evening.

by ilovejubjubs_7_7_7_7
The Priceless Gift

My sharp Lupe eyes scanned the busy market in the City of Sakhmet from the top of a resident's house...

by run2709
Company on The Day of Giving

Wil sat quietly by the door of the Neopia Central Petpet shop, swishing his soft, white tail as he waited for the door to open. The owner, a kindly young Usul, was running late.

by midnight_star411
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"Through the Snow" by melina322
"Why do they call it Terror Mountain if there's nothing terrorizing about it?" The young baby Kougra looked up at his older sibling, who was clad in a leather jacket and jeans even though it was freezing outside. "I dunno. Maybe because there's the terror of getting trapped in the..."

Other Stories


The 10 Most Useful Gifts
If you have some trouble finding a nice thing to give, this is the right guide for you!

Also by realidade

by sky_lady


Enjoying Fireside Tea
Ah, tea. On a cold day, after visiting the Advent Calendar, what can compare to snuggling up by the fireplace in a warm blanket with a book and a cup of your favorite tea?

Also by rationalizing

by trubiekatie


The Best Present Ever: Part Two
Ruby grimaced as two paws fidgeted around on his back, kneading on his spine. He grunted impatiently, very grateful that the outside decorations were taken care of.

by thedoggirl_97


Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Seven
Duke Hopesmeade stared down the fearsome witch doctor. "Tura-Kepek, your activities on the island have not gone unnoticed..."

by herdygerdy


Lost and Found
Any reason why we had to come back up via this slope?

by ssjelitegirl


The Derpnuggets
Well, we can't ALL be on the nice list...

by neojedi11

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