Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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Short Stories

Uncovering the Mysteries of the Wraiths

The Final Entries of One Albert Solon Savalari During His Search to Uncover the Mysteries of the Wraiths

by drifbilim
Tales From Elysian Fields: The Plot Hole

"She's always with him — the Strange Techo Doctor. I don't like him, Uncle Grosvenor. I don't like him one bit."

by bug0704
Fridays at Midnight

This is not a place that you want to be walking around at night, especially alone...

by vanquishee
A Translucent Poogle's Search For Home

This little Poogle learns what makes a truly happy home for any neopet, sweet or spooky.

by lily_death
A Ghost on Halloween

"Gyra, look!" Dixi held out her carefully handcrafted doll. 

"That's great, Dixi," Gyra replied without looking up from her book.

by sha2196

Night at the Fall Masquerade

"What luck!" you think to yourself, scooping up the most dazzling, luscious-looking lollipop off an empty plate on the dinner table.

by flufflepuff
The Mysterious Manor

"Well..." Reana gulped "Here it is." The Pastel Zafara stood in front of a wrought iron gate, which creaked in the frosty breeze.

by xpninja
The Scholar and the Candle

Listen to the sound of that clock. I can't believe I'm up at this hour.

by breakingchains
Miss Elizabeth

"And I've never shopped there since. Prigpants & Swolthy have messed up hems not once, but twice! An absolute crime!"

by crazy_4_sushi
Samuel's Tricky Treat

He coughed heavily as his mother tried to force a steaming spoon of syrup down his throat.

by shadyy15
Little Red With a Rhubarb Pie

There was a sweet little Usul named Gilly who always wore her favorite cape of red velvet...

Written in collaboration with dark_angel_ds

by the_lady_j

The Way Out

"Soph?" The voice was right outside the door, too. "Are you in there? You can come out now, it's gone."

She didn't move an inch. A few heartbeats' silent wait, then the doors were wrenched open.

by liouchan

Halloween's Moon: Toshu's Dark Secret

Sweet like candy, timid but bright. That is, until this Aisha meets the full Halloween Moon's light.

by star_mama_408
Halloween Shenanigans: Byhaliae and the Esophagor

The wind howled and Byhaliae pulled her cape tighter around her shoulders. She hated to admit it, but she was already regretting begging her mother, brothers, and sister to let her go trick-or-treating on her own.

by natalia_ivanovna
Search the Neopian Times


An Acquired Taste

It's Halloween! As Neopians scurry around Haunted Woods going door-to-door asking for treats, let us take a closer look at ten spooky foods that leave us wondering: "What is even in this!?" It is a known fact that Haunted Woods is famous for many things including (but not limited to!) the Brain Tree, the Esophagor, and the Spooky Food Shop. On any given day, the Spooky Food Shop has its shelves filled to the brim with a variety of pretty spooky treats. But even "spooky" has different levels. Take the mildly...

Other Stories


Having a Spooky Halloween without Trick-or-Treating
Alternative plans you can make for Halloween night which are all just as much fun as trick or treating, and guaranteed to scare you senseless!

by phoenix_through_fire


New Holiday Proposals!
I think there are a lot of aspects about Neopia that deserve their own special holidays!

by indulgences


Worth Searching For: Part Five
"Wake up," Isengrim said, gently shaking her shoulder. "It is time for the feast in your honour."

by cosmicfire918


Of Menaces, Hopes and Icky Space Food: Part One
"Some kid snuck aboard, is my guess," said his partner with a grunt. "Or a couple of Meepits or something."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


The Goofers - Party Pooper, part 4
Who cares about a party?

by lintsuf


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles on Halloween
KC and Xag run out of candy!

by pikemaster1

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