The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Runaway Raindorf - Part Seven by playmobil_is_my_life
On the 19th day of the month of Awakening, which was the
next morning, Damien and I decided to pay a visit to Sabra, Kara and Comet.
Sabra looked overjoyed. She was playing with
Comet on the Furry Sofa while Kara was reading next to her. Both sisters did
look much happier and so did Comet. Unfortunately, our job wasn't finished because
the person who framed Kara on Comet's disappearance had not been identified
The Slumberberry Potion, along with the fingerprint
test, should be back any day now, I thought. In the meantime, we'll just
have to keep investigating. I remembered what Charlie and Luna were talking
about last night: the door. Could it have been left open by accident?
I started towards it and opened it. I had to
tug a minute because it appeared to be stuck. Turning to Sabra, I asked, "Does
your door always stick like this?"
"Yes," the striped Cybunny replied. "Sometimes
more than others, and it gets annoying."
"What were the weather conditions like on the
night of the 14th?"
"Well," Sabra began, trying to remember. "It
was a bit chilly, of course. The sky was kind of dark, like a storm was coming,
but everything was still."
"There was no wind?" asked Damien, picking up
on what I was trying to figure out.
"Not that I recall. Why?"
"Two things," Damien began. "If the door sticks
and there was no wind, that means that whoever came in to frame Kara deliberately
left the door open because he… or she knew that it wouldn't blow closed."
"Oh," Sabra sighed sadly. "Then someone wanted
Comet to escape."
Even Kara looked up from her book to frown.
She asked timidly, "But how do you know that someone didn't break in and take
Comet with them?"
"When I returned home, there weren't any footprints.
A Neopet's would be easy to see, but little Raindorf hooves would be almost
invisible in the thick snow… right?" Sabra turned to us.
I nodded, "Right."
Turning to me, Damien told the girls, "I think
that's all we need to know for now, this case should be wrapped up pretty soon."
"Good." That was all that Kara had to say for
the rest of the time we were here.
"It just doesn't make sense," Luna was saying,
back in our room as we discussed the case. "The door was purposefully left open
for Comet to run away? Wouldn't Terrak just take the petpet himself? And why
would Sabra just let her petpet run away then pretend to be worried about him?"
"I don't know," I mumbled, feeling slightly
annoyed. "Maybe we're missing something."
"Nothing makes sense," Luna repeated. "Why would
Terrak frame Kara? Why would Sabra frame Kara for the loss of her petpet if
she wanted it to run away?"
I thought about the yellow Wocky for a minute.
Kara was the target of all this--stuck in the middle after being framed with
the jacket and being put to sleep by the Slumberberry Potion. It was starting
to make my head spin.
"Why don't we just get some dinner and forget
about the case for the rest of the night?" I asked, sensing that everyone was
getting frustrated at all of the things that didn't fit in the mystery.
They agreed and the four of us headed to the
lobby of the Snowy Inn to grab an early dinner at the Snowball Café.
However, before we could make it past the bottom
of the stairs Terrak stopped us.
"Package came for you today," he said. The Lupe
handed over the box and watched me take it. I read the bold letters on the label:
Petpet Detectives
The Snowy Inn, Room 2F
3739 Alpine Avenue
Terror Mountain
The return address above that was from the Space
Station. This is it! I thought, the fingerprinting test came back…
we thanked Terrak, completely forgetting about our dinner plans. Why he didn't
take it up to our room was a mystery to me but that didn't matter now that it
was actually here.
Damien reached our room first and unlocked the
door. He took the brown package and started to peel off the tape. "Here we go,"
the Aisha said. Luna, Charlie and I stood with baited breath as the last piece
of tape was ripped off. Damien reached into the box and pulled out the Slumberberry
Potion wrapped in a towel. Under that was a small sheet of paper.
"Perfect!" Luna exclaimed, "It should say the
species, right? So look for 'Lupe' or 'Cybunny'."
"Read it aloud," said Charlie, and we all listened
to Damien:
Petpet Detectives,
Thanks for sending us the bottle; we were
happy to do a fingerprint test for you. We'll get this back ASAP and good luck
on solving the case-this should help. If you need anything else, just ask or
drop by.
The Team at the Space Station
Damien flipped over the other side of the paper,
where a word was scribbled in large letters:
And suddenly, it all started to make sense.
Back on Blizzard Lane, Sabra opened the cabinet
door to look for something to make for dinner. Kara was sitting at the table
continuing her book and Comet pranced joyously around their legs. A fire crackled
merrily in the fireplace and the warmth spread throughout the small house. It
seemed as though everything was almost back to normal. Until--
Knock, knock, knock.
Sabra raised her head towards the door and hopped
over to answer it.
We stood in the doorway, wearing serious expressions.
This was the grand finale: time to make our accusation.
"Where's Kara?" I demanded.
"I'm here," called the Wocky standing up with
a mock-confused expression on her face.
"It was you," I said, brushing past Sabra and
looking her in the eyes.
"Excuse me?" Kara asked, her innocent and naïve
tone turning to sass. "First of all, what are you accusing me of?"
"Comet's disappearance," said Luna, "after all,
you practically shoved him out the front door."
There was a short pause and then Kara shouted,
"How could you say something like that? I was the one who was framed
and now you're telling me I'm responsible for Comet's previous whereabouts?"
"That's exactly what I'm trying to say, Kara,"
I snapped. "You are the one responsible."
"No! How could that be?" Sabra asked defensively,
sounding scared for her sister. She hugged Comet to her chest.
"Sabra, I know this is going to be a lot for
you to handle all at once," I began, keeping my firm tone, "But listen. No one
framed Kara, because--"
"Of course someone framed me!" Kara shrieked.
"Sabra was there, you heard the story…"
"PLEASE let me finish. No one framed you because
you framed yourself!" I roared, pointing an accusing finger in her direction.
That statement sure received some silence. Sabra
weakly sat down in the chair and looked over at her sister, hoping that it couldn't
be true… I didn't want to believe it either; we had never seen anything like
this before.
"You can't prove anything," the Wocky replied
"Oh, but we can," Damien stepped in. "Here,
I'll explain it for you. On the night of the 14th you knew that Sabra was going
to the Slushie Shop with her friends and wouldn't be back for a while. You made
a jug of Achyfi in the afternoon, smuggling the Slumberberry Potion in the drink
while Sabra was playing with Comet. You ate the dinner Sabra made after she
left and you collapsed."
"Then," Luna took over, "when you woke up a
few minutes later, you opened the door so Comet could make his escape. Heck,
you probably watched him run off, trotting happily in the snow. You took the
jacket which was already covered with fresh Raindorf hair and put it on, complete
with the green stain on the collar to throw the suspicion off you."
Charlie continued the story, "After you finished
framing yourself and making sure Comet was out of the way, you took a sip of
the Slumberberry Potion, just enough to knock you out for a little while. Then
you hid the bottle under the Furry Sofa where Damien and I found it."
I finished, "When you knew that it was close
to Sabra's return home, you stirred, and that's when Sabra came in and found
you. Lastly, you pulled off an award-winning performance all this time when
we sat here and did the interrogation."
There was an extremely long silence. Finally,
Sabra turned to Kara. "Oh my gosh…" she uttered softly. "Kara… is this true?"
"The only thing we're confused about is why
you wanted to get rid of Comet," I said. "Would you like to tell us, or do we
have to figure that out too?"
There was another long silence; Kara broke it
by bursting into tears. She looked so pitiful sitting there that I felt a tug
at my heartstrings. Sabra went to her sister's side and put her paw on her shoulder.
"It's true," the yellow Wocky said, wiping her
eyes. "I planned the whole thing days before it happened. I framed myself. I'm
responsible for Comet running away."
"Kara," said Sabra, softly. "Why?"
Kara sniffed and dried her eyes. "Ever since
you bought Comet, you've been so busy caring for him. I could no longer go places
with you, because I had to stay home and watch Comet. Whenever you came home,
you'd always go to Comet. We never do the things we normally do because of him
and I wanted it to be you and me again.
"To do the things we always did again I knew
I had to get rid of him," Kara continued. "I didn't want to hurt Comet so I
just set him free."
Sabra sighed, "Oh Kara, I'm sorry."
I sighed too. Case closed.
It was obvious that Kara needed help. I must
admit, she was an amazingly good actress pretending to be sad for Comet--she
had us all fooled. The Defenders of Neopia came to collect her an hour ago and
we explained that she wouldn't get to see Sabra for a little bit. Kara seemed
okay with that; she knew what she did was wrong and now she'd have to pay the
price… for a little while, at least.
Sabra still seemed in shock by the whole thing.
She stood outside, a single tear running down her cheek, holding Comet. Luna
gave her a hug and told her that it would be all right.
Before we left her house to return to the Snowy
Inn, Sabra made us wait. She went inside and came back with a small bag of neopoints.
"I know it's not much," she said, "but I'd like
you to have it for helping us out."
"It's very generous," I assured her with a small
smile. "Thank you."
"And I'm sure you'll see Kara soon," Luna added,
who appeared to be reading Sabra's mind.
Sabra nodded and said quietly, "Good."
She waved bye as we prepared to take flight.
The Cybunny and the Raindorf were the last things I saw before ascending into
the evening sky. It felt good to have solved another mystery. I triumphantly
soared over the treetops and houses.
"You still want to go to the Snowball Café?"
Damien asked, once we glided over the restaurant.
"No thanks," I turned my head to face him. "Let's
just go home."
Back on Blizzard Lane…
Two days later, Sabra invited Teagen over for
dinner and they sat on the rug, playing with Comet. Comet's liveliness and charm
filled the house with laughter and made it seem like Kara was still there.
There was a click and a letter appeared through
the mail slot on the door. Teagen went to retrieve it. He handed it to Sabra.
She opened it and read aloud,
Dear Sabra,
We are safe home in Neopia Central and glad that
we could help you find Comet. It certainly is nice to be home, but we miss some
of the cool things there was to see on Terror Mountain. Thank you for the neopoints
and thank you for your cooperation with the case. If we are ever in the area,
we'll drop by to say hello, and if you ever need us, feel free to send a letter.
Please say hi to Comet for us, I bet he's happy to be back with you. Take care.
The End
Author's Note: As always, thank you for reading TPPD. I appreciate any feedback
or comments you may have. Thanks to beewitched2 for editing and dan4884 for
helping me with a rough spot. Be on the watch for more TPPD mysteries! -Playmobil_is_my_life