Ancient Neopia: Part Two by articuno_neo
The monsters were nearing the city. Their claws sharpened
their teeth even sharper than their claws. They growled angrily and their roars
could have been heard if the people were not asleep.
Black Bearogs, Ghost Kacheeks, Rogue Zafaras
and Plains Lupes and even Temple Sentinels.
The city was dark. The perfect chance to attack.
In the Two Rings castle, Jahbal stood, looking
out of the window over the grounds of the Two Rings. Those foolish wizards thought
they had banished him forever, but his magic reached the far ends of Neopia.
He had power and he would use that power. Nobody
could overthrow him. He only had to stop that one Lupe…
"Sire…" an old Moehog, dressed in only a ripped,
brown robe said. "An unknown force has arrived here in Neopia. We do not know
what it is, but I am sure it is dangerous!"
"Thank you for the information," Jahbal said,
while turning around. "You have been a great help, Morguss. I will investigate
this and get rid of anyone opposing me!"
Morguss nodded.
"I have hope in your victory, sire." Morguss
bowed. Then, with that, she disappeared through the door.
The wooden gate protecting Neopia City was just
a few seconds away… The monsters then attacked. The gate was smashed out and
it crashed down to the ground. This woke some of the people and pets up and
as they looked through the window, they saw the parade of monsters destroying
everything in their way.
Others ran outside and had pulled out their sword
in an attempt to save the city, but they were greatly outnumbered.
"Hero!" Jarod shouted as he heard the sound of
wood being smashed into little bits. Then a Giant Wadjet appeared. His black
and green skin slithered over the ground. Jarod smashed the Wadjet with his
new sword and made a big wound, but it was not enough to stop the Wadjet.
Then, Hero smacked the Wadjet. The Wadjet then
shot forward and bit Hero and with the end of its tail it smacked Jarod right
in his face.
"Argh!" Jarod hit the Wadjet and then again and
it disappeared on them, this time only leaving a few coins. No bottle with whatever
was in it.
"Come on! We have to fight the monsters off!"
Hero shouted as he ran, no, sprinted towards the exit of the Inn.
Jarod stared at him but then thought. Was he
going to stay here? Forever? But he decided to stop the stream of thoughts and
he ran outside to help fight the monsters. It was tiring and even though the
monsters outnumbered the people in the city, they had won.
The remaining monsters had fled on the sight
of the sun that was rising. Hero seemed troubled by the sudden attack.
"Is there something… wrong?" Jarod asked worriedly.
Hero stared at the Cybunny in front of him, sighed
and then sat down.
"I will tell you the tale of Jahbal's time."
It all dates back to the glorious times of the
Neopian Empire, once great and proud. They were huge cities, led by great and
wise leaders. They were magicians and in total there were 12. The magicians
were called the Circle of Twelve. Everything was well, yet power makes hungry
for more. There were two magicians that were set to wreak havoc in Neopia.
Xantan and Jahbal.
Jahbal happened to be the leader of the Circle
of Twelve, but he became mad for power. The other magicians discussed about
the situation and they decided to expel Xantan from the Circle of Twelve. He
found his home near a cave close to Neopia City.
Still, Jahbal grew even more powerful. He was
so powerful and mad that he then started a war against the others. Some of the
empire's cities fell. Others kept standing and one of them was Kal Panning and
their leader Faelinn, the Aisha.
He could not yet beat the defenders of the city.
He then started creating monsters, vicious monsters that the people and pets
of Neopia had never seen before. Destruction was brought upon Neopia.
With the monsters, he attacked Kal Panning one
more time and this time he got past the defenders of the glorious city. He turned
the once great city into a place for the zombies and the ghosts of the Neopets
that previously had lived there.
The members of the Circle of Twelve, which was
in truth the Circle of Ten, saw their errors and decided to get rid of Jahbal.
Yet, Jahbal had spied on them and had fled to the great castle of Two Rings.
They decided not to follow Jahbal anymore, as
they did not know what kind of items and power Jahbal could have found in the
castle. Instead, they created a barrier around the Two Rings area, so that nothing
could go in the Two Rings or out. At least, that was supposed to happen.
Nobody knew how, but Jahbal had found a way to
send his magic through the barrier. He created more monsters and ordered them
to hunt down the leaders of the great empires.
A lot of them fell, yet a lot more suffered under
the destruction. Still… the Empire collapsed stood no more after all the destruction.
Only the most well-defended cities were standing.
The people hoped that someday a hero would come
along and to stop all the destruction in Neopia.
Jarod had listened attentively to the story and
now he understood.
"But why did they attack now?" Jarod had first
asked. His Cybunny paw was ruffling his red fur. "They could have attacked earlier,
you know?"
"I don't know… I don't know…" Hero said sadly.
"But we have to leave to the Jungle Ruins. We have to stop the destruction of
this land!"
"Then… can I go with you?" the voice of a familiar
blacksmith asked. His giant hammer was still with him. "I have fought the monsters
and I too want to stop the destruction. I cannot wait and see the destruction
coming over us."
"Rioeiro?" Hero turned around to face the Korbat.
"Are you sure you want to do it?"
"Yes." Rioeiro replied simply. "I just have nothing
to do here anymore… my Blacksmith is completely destroyed because of the attack."
"So, you have nothing here?" Jarod asked carefully,
not wanting to hurt the Korbat's feelings.
"Nope, nothing!" Rioeiro sighed heavily, but
he quickly cheered up. "If I go with you, I can fix your weapons!" he said excitedly.
"Alright," Hero said to the excited Korbat. "We
are going to leave; do you have something left you wish to take with you?"
The Korbat nodded, ran towards the broken house
that was next to the almost gone blacksmith, came back out and he had a bag
in the shape of a hammer.
"Okay, I am ready."
Hero and Jarod walked away but Rioeiro turned
around and looked at his once nice and warm blacksmith, now almost a pile of
rubble. "Goodbye, Neopia City." And he then quickly followed Hero and Jarod.
"Alright, we are going to train here first,"
Hero said to the two that were following him."The monsters were tough, so we
need to get stronger."
They nodded and they started fighting different
monsters. They did not fight with each other, but alone. They did stay close
to each other though, in case something would happen.
They slashed and hammered the monsters and they
were getting stronger. Here's a Snow Imp, there's a Fire Imp, fuzzy Imp, funny
A roar was heard behind Jarod. As he whizzed
around, a Black Bearog jumped at him and clawed him, but Jarod quickly restored
from the hit and smacked the Black Bearog. It soon disappeared.
Rioeiro was swinging his hammer at two Plains
Lupes. He hit one of them hard and sent that one flying into the other one.
The little Korbat then hit them both and they disappeared, leaving a little
pile of gold coins behind.
"Oo! Money!" he said happily, as he ducked to
pick the coins up. A Grey Lupe flew over him and crashed on the ground. It then
got smacked by Hero's sword.
Hero chuckled at the fact that the Grey Lupe
had missed Rio, who had only ducked to pick up some money, and then turned serious
again. "How is everyone? I have a few healing potions."
"Uh, can I get one?" Rioeiro asked. "My wing
has quite the nasty scratch on it."
Hero handed one of the potions to Rioeiro, which
drank it and the wound disappeared.
"Hey, Hero, can I ask you a question?" Jarod
looked at Hero, who grinned.
"You are free to ask any questions."
"Why do the monsters disappear when they are
beaten?" Jarod asked him. He really did wonder why.
"It is because they are made of magic. If they
get beaten, the magic stops working and that monster disappear." Hero explained
it very clearly in Jarod's opinion.
"Well, we rest here," Hero motioned towards a
lonely tree. "No tent and all, so we just have to be careful."
"Right!" Jarod said enthusiastically, as he walked
over towards the tree.
Later that night…
The pack of Dire Lupes spotted the travelers
they were ordered to hunt down. They howled and then ran towards their target.
"Huh, wha?" Rioeiro awoke and he heard a Lupe's
howl from somewhere on the plains.
"Guys! Wake up!" The Korbat nudged his friends
and they woke up. They then saw the shadows of the Dire Lupes.
"BATTLE!" Hero said, while grabbing his sword
from the ground and he got in fighting position.
"Come and get us! Beef steak!" Jarod said and
he ran towards Hero.
"Uh, right… I'll just say nothing…" Rioeiro followed
Jarod and they started fighting. It was harder then the training, but they could
still win. They beat around five of the pack and then they stood still in front
of the remaining three.
They could feel the Lupe's breath, but then they
cowered and ran away.
"Well…" Rioeiro, "that was ni-"
Heavy footsteps were heard and when they looked
to where the sound was coming from they saw a hill. Then, a giant shadow came
over the hills.
"We should run!" Jarod suggested.
"Right!" Hero shouted and he ran away, with his
friends following him. The shadow followed them and he was getting closer each
"We can't lead it to the city!" Hero shouted.
"We have to hide in the hills!"
Jarod had no idea where that was, so he followed
the other two. The grass disappeared and now there was dirt and in front of
them was the hills of Jub. Then the monster, or what else it was, jumped, took
his weapon and smashed it into the ground.
The ground cracked and the crack became larger.
The ground was splitting.
Jarod looked behind him and he saw the crack.
"Guys! The ground has cracked!"
To be continued...