Ancient Neopia: Part Six by articuno_neo
His steps echoed through the tunnel and he was getting
closer to the exit. He saw faint images of rogue Zafaras, running Kacheeks and
various fighting Neopets. He then reached the light and closed his eyes as he
leaped into it.
"Here goes nothing!" and he was engulfed into
the light.
He landed on the ground with a loud thud. He
quickly opened his eyes, just to see Neopia Central being attacked by the monsters.
Jarod was shocked. He looked around and everywhere the Neopets were fighting
"Why?" He turned angry, grabbed his sword and
ran towards a Neopet that was being attacked by a plains Lupe. He defeated it
with great ease and ran towards his next target. He slashed through the horde
of monsters, beating everything in his path, towards another portal.
A red glow emerged from it. Jarod stopped, sighed
and then grinned. "Whoever you are, you are going down…" As he stepped towards
it, he saw a faint image of Hero, Galgarroth, Vex and Rioeiro looking in the
portal. They were still safe.
Jarod then stepped through the portal and got
flashed towards an arena.
The Bringer stood there in front of him. The
two were surrounded by flames. The light of the flames reflected on the duellists'
"I have been expecting you…" The Bringer grinned.
"Thought you had gotten rid of me?"
"No, because you always return," Jarod grinned.
"Unless you get defeated, right here, by me."
"Then… we begin!" The Bringer roared, as he ran
towards Jarod. His sword lifted in the air, ready to strike. Jarod ran towards
the Bringer and jumped as the Bringer smashed his sword in the ground. Rocks
flew through the air from the impact but it did not affect Jarod, who was still
in the air.
He held his sword in front of him, closed his
eyes and whispered words as they came to him.
"But it's true," Jarod said. "Heroes never die."
Now he opened his eyes. "They just go away for a while." He remembered all the
Neopets in Neopia Central. "And they will always come back, when we need them
He had remembered that very well. His sword started
to glow and he then dove for the ground. He then crashed on the ground, with
his paws on the ground. A light surrounded him and he now ran towards the Bringer.
He then leaped in the air and finally smashed his sword in the Bringer.
"Wraaah!" the Bringer cried out. Jarod jumped
back to the ground. His attack had been successful; the armor of the Bringer
was broken. There were a lot of bursts on the place where the sword had hit
the Bringer.
"You!" the Bringer growled, clenched his fists
and ran towards Jarod, again. He then swiped at Jarod, who dodged it. He then
quickly swiped again. Jarod had no time to dodge it and got hit. He landed on
the ground with a large thump.
"Take that…" the Bringer whispered softly. He
stepped towards Jarod and started laughing.
"Little, puny Neopet," the Bringer said. He then
turned around and started to walk away.
"Heroes never die," Jarod then said, as his sword
started glowing again. He now leaped and brought down the sword. It went through
the Bringer.
"What! No!" the Bringer cried out and tried to
smash Jarod one last time, before he was turned to ice. Jarod then noticed the
ground shaking. He then saw the portal appear again and ran towards it.
He looked behind him and now the flames were
gone and the ground was cracked. Only a small pool of water laid on the ground.
A small smile appeared on his face, before he jumped through the portal.
He landed in the cold snow. He then quickly jumped
up and looked around him. He was on Terror Mountain. This was the place where
the Bringer was defeated… but everything here was peaceful.
What was the use of being here then? A rumble
in Jarod's stomach answered that question, as he ran towards the Slushie shop.
As he stepped inside, he noticed a chest, with the name "Jarod" on it. He walked
towards it, looked around and then carefully opened it.
To Jarod's surprise, it contained a note and
thousand Neopoints.
"You have beaten the Bringer, you gain 750 experience
and 1000 Neopoints!"
This confused Jarod, but he slowly started to
understand it. He would get experience from all the monsters he had beaten and
get stronger. He grinned now and walked to the shopkeeper to buy some slushies.
Then, he returned outside in search of an portal. There had to be one, otherwise
he couldn't have ended up here instead of back in Ancient Neopia.
He ran through the cold and up the mountains,
yet he didn't find anything. He could not go Back now. He had been through too
much now to just… quit. He then noticed a figure in the distance.
Jarod's hope grew bigger, as he quickly ran towards
the figure.
Jahbal stood high in the Two Rings Palace. He
had seen the defeat of the Bringer and grinned. That 'Jarod' was powerful, but
he had also used his element. Spectral magic he had used to beat the Bringer.
The Eyrie grinned, as he turned around and walked
through the door. Step… step… he walked down the stairs. It grew darker, until
he came in a dark room. The only light source was a candle, standing on a table.
The bottles of various potions, poisons and magics reflected the light.
"Morguss, he will meet Masila in a moment," Jahbal
said to the old Moehog, who was sitting on a old chair. Morguss grinned, yet
it could not be seen in the darkness.
"Are you afraid, Jahbal?" she asked.
"No," Jahbal simply replied. "Why should I be
scared of those two puny Neopets. I have far more power than the Bringer and
they had trouble with beating him, so they should be squashed as mere bugs under
my power." Jahbal grinned.
"Yes, sire…" Morguss replied. "The meeting with
Masila and Jarod is going perfectly… I hope," Morguss said.
"What do you mean 'you hope'?" Jahbal asked.
"I thought you knew what was going to happen!"
"Ah, sir, but I cannot foresee if another portal
appears," Morguss said. "They are everywhere on Neopia and my magic is only
"I see…" Jahbal sighed and he started his long
way back to his tower. The tower that looked out over the field of Two Rings.
Jarod ran, but the figure seemed to be running
faster than him. He then started running again, sending snow into the air. He
left behind a large trail. He looked around and saw that the figure was growing
smaller. It was incredibly fast then.
He then saw a few caves and then started running
even faster. He came at a huge cave entrance.
He slowed down and was only walking. He then
saw footsteps leading towards the cave entrance and decided he had to go in
there or not. His footsteps could be heard every time he took a step.
Click… click…
Jarod then picked up a few sounds, yet he could
not hear what it really was. He was growing a little bit scared, but he had
to continue. He needed to find a portal, or anything else to get him back to
Ancient Neopia. Sure, he could stay here, but… who would stop all the monsters…
after all… He was taken there for a reason.
He then went around a corner and stopped with
walking. In front of him was an Aisha, dressed in a purple cloak. She had a
lot of rare jewellery.
"Do you enjoy spying on people?" the voice of
the Aisha asked, as she turned around. Her knife was pulled.
"I just followed you because… I thought you could
help…" Jarod started to explain, but quickly understood that she was on the
side of evil. He then turned around and wanted to run away, before a knife hit
the wall next to him.
"You are not going anywhere!" the Aisha laughed.
"You have enough of a bother!" she said, as she put down the cloak to reveal
two other knives.
"Masila?" Jarod muttered, but he got into fighting
position. He then noticed a portal that was opening behind the Aisha. He grinned,
quickly ran towards Masila and pounded her. They then both fell through the
Jarod landed with a rough land on the ground.
Hero and Galgarroth laid on the ground, with a few scratches, Rioeiro and Vex
just smashed a few Plains Lupes away and then turned around to see Jarod.
"Jarod! You're back!" Rioeiro replied happily.
"Yeah. And I have got something for you guys!"
Jarod said, as he gave everyone a slushie. "But… what happened to you guys?"
"Well… we were bored, so we were fighting off
the monsters here," Rioeiro started to explain. "Neopia Central returned to
its old state and after that, a few monsters attempted to get through the portal
but we fought them off."
"And now, you are back," Hero finished. "So…
now that that is solved… You must have been busy."
"Yeah!" Jarod said and he laid down. Behind him,
the portal started to disappear. He told the story about fighting the monsters,
about the Bringer and the arena and then Terror Mountain and Masila.
"This is not good at all…" Galgarroth said as
Jarod had finished his story. "Things are happening in the history that were
not supposed to happen at all."
"All the more reason to stop Jahbal," Hero said.
"He is doing this all. I know it."
Jarod sighed and stood up.
"I hope we get there in time." He turned around
and looked at the sky, which was now turning darker. "I hope we get there in
time…" His last words before he fell asleep.
The Neopia in the future was safe… for now. The
Bringer had been here, in Ancient Neopia… and who knows what he did in his short
stay now Masila was here. The group, now reunited went to sleep and prepared
for what the next day had in store.
To be continued...