Ancient Neopia: Part Seven by articuno_neo
The group awoke to a peaceful sun, who was sending his
rays of light over the plains.
"Guys?" Rioeiro woke everyone up and they all
watched the sun go up.
"Where are we headed now?" Jarod asked, still
"The Techo Caves," Hero said and he turned around.
In the distance you could make out the faint images of the mountains. "That
is the last part of our journey."
"Really?" Vex asked. "Then… we should go."
"Why?" Jarod asked.
"We aren't supposed to be here." Vex said. "We
got here accidentally, you got sucked in by your Virtupet. So… that must mean
Rioeiro nodded. "They might be in danger if they
continue on to the Two Rings palace."
"Why?" Jarod asked.
"It might change the history completely… and
they won't exist anymore." Rioeiro sighed. "You are different."
"But… why am I different?" Jarod asked. "I got
here and I had no idea why! But now I know, but if I stay… won't I completely
disappear in the future?"
"Jarod," Hero said. "You are special, you have
spectral magic in you. You are the one we needed."
Jarod stared at the group and sighed. "Just great…"
"I have to tell you later," Hero said in a tone
that indicated that this discussion was finished.
"Alright… But we do have to find another portal
then," Hero finally said, after a moment of silence. He stood up and walked
in the direction of the mountains. "We must go to the mountains. We might find
a portal there… the one here already closed."
They then continued on… to stop Jahbal. It was
almost the end. Jarod sighed and looked around him. The surrounding started
to change. The trees were now turning bare and ready to break. All the grass
was dead and it was getting colder.
Before them was a cave entrance. "This is the
entrance of the Techo Caves?" Galgarroth asked curiously.
"Yeah," Rio said. "Hero said so."
"Weapons ready!" Hero said, as he pulled out
his sword and entered the caves.
They walked through a tunnel. A lot of rocks
were lying on the ground and they saw small lizards crawl around. A little bit
of grass was still growing in this cave.
"You look like someone who could do a task for
me…" a voice said, as they came around a corner of the Techo Caves. In front
of them stood a red Jetsam with a green shirt on.
"Who… are you?" Hero asked, while he tightly
held his sword in his paw.
"My name is Mr. Irgo. I sell valuable pieces
of monsters on the black market; living gemstones, body parts of certain beasts,
and so on," Mr. Irgo replied, as he motioned towards a sword on the ground next
to him.
"Very well…" Hero said. "What tasks do you have
in mind?" Hero asked.
"I need you to collect things for me. The first
is a set of gems, or rather, pieces of the living rock creatures that inhabit
these caves. I need a piece of agate, a piece of chrysolite, and a piece of
serpentine. If you bring me these, I will chip off a fragment of each and create
a new piece of armor for you: an energy absorber." Mr. Irgo grinned. "The second
set of things I need are pieces of the Drakonids who live here: an eye, a hide,
and a heart. Bring me these and I can draw some of their magical power away
to make you an robe of protection."
"That is… nice," Jarod said, not really wanting
to actually peel off a eyeball of an monster.
"Say, you be with a whole group, ye?" Mr. Irgo
asked. "If that is so, then you must get four of each item. Then I can make
four different types of armor, or a robe of course."
"Right. We'll do it," Hero decided and he turned
to the rest of the group. "Without good armor, we are toast."
Jarod sighed but still ventured into the cave
to get the items.
"Look at that!" Vex exclaimed, as they saw a
Hatchling Drakonid. It was a light green colour, with small horns on his back.
"It is so cute!"
"Look out… it's dangerous, even though it might
seem cute," Hero informed them.
That was when the Drakonid turned around. Its
horns started to grow large, his body turned a darker green and finally it started
growing itself.
"Guys!" Galgarroth shouted, before the Drakonid
stormed at the group. They jumped and dodged it, but it quickly turned around
and stormed at them again. Now he hit Vex, who rolled over the ground. He then
jumped up and kicked the Drakonid, who bit in his feet after he restored.
"OW!" Vex shouted and he pulled his leg away
and jumped up to safety. Galgarroth then ran towards the Drakonid and slammed
it into the wall. Hero and Jarod waited until the Drakonid had restored. The
Drakonid now walked towards Galgarroth. Jarod and Hero jumped over the Drakonid
and hit it with their swords. Hero used his spectral magic to restore some of
his wounds. Rio delivered the final blow, which sent the Drakonid through the
air and then against the wall.
The Drakonid finally crashed on the ground and
it disappeared, leaving behind a small bottle of green goo and an eyeball, which
caused Jarod to promptly turn around.
"Hey, it is just a eyeball," Hero said, as he
picked up the eyeball. "It isn't gross or something. It is just a small round
white ball!"
"Sure…" Jarod said. Hero then held the eyeball
in front of Jarod. "Very funny, now put it away…"
Hero laughed and walked back to the entrance
to give the eyeball to Mr. Irgo. Jarod turned around and looked further into
the cave. He then noticed a small ball with spikes. It was of a light blue colour.
He then heard footsteps and turned around to see Galgarroth and Vex walk towards
"Be quiet!" Jarod whispered, as he motioned towards
the blue ball standing on the ground. Finally Hero came and he too saw the ball.
"That's a Chrysolite Dervish." Hero whispered.
"It can give us a few pieces of Chrysolite for the armor."
Then a rock suddenly fell down and this, of course,
attracted the Dervish's attention. He turned around and saw the group of pets
staring at him. He then turned angry, curled up and rolled towards the group,
who dived out of the way. As soon as Jarod landed, the Dervish jumped at him.
Jarod then swung his sword at the Dervish and
slammed him through the air. It fell on the ground and you could see bursts.
It was not completely defeated yet. Hero then jumped at it and slashed it, then
quickly jumped back. Even more bursts. Than the Dervish jumped at Jarod. It
kept hanging in the air midair and then suddenly it flew at Jarod, who got knocked
away against the wall.
"You!" Jarod growled and then ran at the Dervish
and slashed it… then again and it was followed by eight more slashes. Finally
the Dervish fell to the ground, broken. There were a lot of pieces of Crystallite
on the ground and Vex picked them up.
"We should give these to Mr. Irgo," Jarod said,
sounding very annoyed and he walked away to hand the pieces to Mr. Irgo. He
then quickly ran back and he got handed a strong healing potion and Vex a minor
healing potion.
The following battles only consisted of Drakonids,
Crystallite Dervishes and Juvenile Drakonids. The Dervishes were send flying
by Rioeiro, who hit them like Whack-a-Kass. That was until they saw a stone
It turned around and looked at the group of pets.
"A Tempus rock Scorchio…" Rioeiro said, as he
stepped forward. "Hey, this one is quite dangerous, be careful!"
The Scorchio looked at them with empty eyes.
It growled at them and then suddenly fired a fireball at Hero, who dived for
the ground to dodge it. He then swiped at the rock Scorchio, who growled again.
Then a ball of light appeared on Hero his sword.
Jarod could feel immense power in it. Hero then ran towards the Scorchio and
started slashing it. Then the rock Scorchio started changing. The bursts disappeared
and a red Scorchio was revealed.
It looked at Hero and then bowed.
"Thank you! I have been stuck in here for so
long!" the Scorchio said. "Jahbal turned me into this monster, but now I am
free!" He smiled. "I am Mr. Irgo's helper."
The group then walked over to the Scorchio. "You
are looking for items to make another armor, right?" The Scorchio then revealed
hearts, eyeballs, pieces of agate and more. Just enough items to make armor
for everyone. "Well, can you take me to Mr. Irgo?"
The group then stared at him, until Hero stepped
forward. "Thanks for the items; we will take you to Mr. Irgo. We need to go
to him now too!"
Jarod sighed and walked back to the red Jetsam,
awaiting their arrival at the entrance of the cave. The Jetsam then saw them
and when he saw the Scorchio he was surprised.
"Irgy!" Mr. Irgo ran towards the Scorchio and
hugged him. "I thought you were gone…"
"No dad, I'm still here!" Irgy replied as he
smiled. "I have given them the items to make them armor. Will you make them
"Yes, I will," Mr. Irgo replied happily, as he
laid all the items on the ground. They all started glowing and a flash blinded
everyone. There, on the ground laid three pieces of armor and one robe. They
exchanged their armor for the newly acquired armor, thanked Mr. Irgo and Irgy
and then left them. They were almost at the city of Kal Panning.
After a lot of tough fights, they came to the
Mountain top. They had to venture through two more caves and then… they would
be in southern Neopia. They had to go to Kal Panning first to gain access to
the Two Rings Area.
"Hero," Rioeiro called him. Hero turned and looked
at Jarod.
"Do you know… what is going to happen after we
get to the Two Rings Palace?"
"I don't know, Rioeiro…" Hero said. "I don't
They ventured through the two other caves.
"We are first heading to Sunny City," Hero then
said. "I have this medallion, and someone said I had to visit Gali Yoj."
"Medallion?" Jarod chipped in. "I didn't know
of any medallion…"
Hero grinned and then continued walking. He then
saw a patch of grass and ran towards it. "Here!" And he then ran out of the
cave to see the Sunny City. But deep inside, Hero knew this was just something
to slow down their journey.
Nobody knew what could happen on their way to
Kal Panning or the Two Rings Palace, but he had to brace himself for the worst.
He then took the medallion and looked at it. It had strange symbols on it. It
made it impossible to read it, so Hero then stashed it away again.
He had to visit Gali Yoj tomorrow. Right now,
the whole group needed sleep after venturing through the Techo Caves. But before
this… he had something important to tell to Jarod.
To be continued...