Mastering Hasee Bounce by nut862
GAMES ROOM – Hasee Bounce was first released over a year ago. Since then, it has
gone through major changes and new things have been added to the game. However,
the basic idea is still the same, and Hasee Bounce is still the greatest game
ever to grace the Game Room floor as far as I’m concerned!
Hasee Bounce is a very fun and easy game to play. All it takes is practice
and some experience with the timing to start rolling in the Neopoints. This
is my all-time favorite game. I personally get 3,000 NP per day from it, and
would often get more if not for the 1,000 per play limit. You can do the same!
It only takes a few minutes to play one game of Hasee Bounce, so what are you
waiting for? Let’s get started!
Game Basics
For those of you who have never set foot on the Hasee Bounce playing field
and don’t feel like taking the time away from reading my article to go to the
Games Room and read the instructions for Hasee Bounce, I have prepared what
I hope is a brief description of the game basics here:
You control the Hasees. At the start of the game, the orange one, Woogy, stands
on top of a tree branch at the top left of the screen. There are two tree branches,
one at each top corner of the screen. Below the branches is a seesaw. The purple
Hasee, Jimmi, stands on the right end of the seesaw. Between them is empty space;
this is where the Doughnutfruit will fly through.
Clicking anywhere on the screen will make Woogy jump off the tree branch. As
he falls through the air, he will eat any Doughnutfruit or letters he touches
on his way down, as well as any other nasty things that are flying around (namely,
dung). When he finally touches down on the seesaw, Jimmi will launch upward,
also eating whatever he touches on his way, and land on the tree branch on the
right side of the screen. You can maneuver the Hasees while they are bouncing
through the air by moving the mouse.
Oh, one last thing: You’ve got a time limit! You didn’t think you could just
keep those Hasees bouncing forever, did you? The time limit lasts for approximately
two minutes, and then it’s game over, so every second counts!
The Goal Of The Game
Your goal is to catch as many Doughnutfruit or letters as you can to maximize
your final score. Also, you must try to avoid dung. It won’t reduce your score,
but it will make the poor grossed-out Hasee sick, which prevents you from collecting
more Doughnutfruit with the Hasee for up to five seconds. This is bad.
NP Rewards Ratio
300 NP to every 100 points scored.
Game Scoring
Yellow Doughnutfruit – 1 point
Blue Doughnutfruit – 3 points
Green Doughnutfruit – 4 points
Silver Doughnutfruit – 5 points
Gold Doughnutfruit – 10 points
Checkered Doughnutfruit – 12 points
Sponge Doughnutfruit – 15 points
Flaming Doughnutfruit – 18 points
Icy Doughnutfruit – 20 points
Rainbow Doughnutfruit – 40 points
Fish Doughnutfruit – 50 points
Letters (H, A, S, E) – 2 points each and 2 extra seconds to the timer
These are all the base scores for the 11 kinds of Doughnutfruit that are possible
to be encountered (plus the letters), but the amount of points that you can
score from each Doughnutfruit is virtually unlimited, due to clustering. This
will be explained in the next section.
Each Doughnutfruit has a lower chance of appearing onscreen than the last.
Yellow Doughnutfruit are the most common, Blue is slightly less, but still very
common, and so on all the way up to the EXTREMELY RARE Fish Doughnutfruit that
will probably only appear once every several games.
-- Before I go on, let me explain clustering. Clustering is the MOST IMPORTANT
function that anyone can take advantage of, and is a key part to mastering the
game. The concept is simply this: Every successive Doughnutfruit that you catch
on a single click is multiplied by the total number of fruits that you got on
that click. The first Doughnutfruit you catch is always worth its base amount,
but the second is worth twice its normal amount, and so on until both Hasees
have stopped bouncing. Confused? Here are a few examples:
Suppose your first fruit on one bounce is a Blue Doughnutfruit. It’s worth
3 points. Then suppose you get a Yellow Doughnutfruit after the Blue Doughnutfruit.
It is multiplied by two, so it’s worth 2 points. Then the third Doughnutfruit
would be multiplied by three, so if it’s a Green Doughnutfruit, it would be
worth 12 points. The fourth is multiplied by four, and so on. Simple, eh?
BUT, suppose you don’t get the Blue Doughnutfruit first? If you get the Yellow
Doughnutfruit first, and then the Blue Doughnutfruit, the blue will be worth
6 points! Clustering can really make a difference!
And if you get three yellow Doughnutfruits, and then a blue Doughnutfruit,
and then another yellow one, you would get 1 point for the first yellow, 2 for
the second, 3 for the third, and then the blue Doughnutfruit would be multiplied
by four, so you would get 12 points for it, and then the final yellow fruit
would be multiplied by five. So your score for that click would be 1 + 2 + 3
+ 12 + 5, or 23. Wow! You can see why clustering is essential to earning a high
Anyway, the point is that you seriously need to take advantage of clustering,
since this is how most of your points will be scored. Usually, you can snag
at least three Doughnutfruit per bounce, and I have gotten a maximum of nine
Doughnutfruit on a single bounce! Even if all nine of those Doughnutfruit are
yellow, that’s still 45 points, all for just one click of the mouse! Granted,
you won’t get nine Doughnutfruit on one bounce very often, but it’s still a
good thing to keep in mind.
-- Letters are very important. Sure, 2 seconds might not seem like much, but
if you spell HASEE, you’ll get a bonus 20 seconds, and if all the letters are
one color, you get an amazing 40 extra seconds on the timer! Given that the
timer lasts about two minutes with no bonuses, you can see how this can be worthwhile.
-- You should try to keep the Hasees moving at all times. Don’t let them just
sit on a branch doing nothing, unless you’re waiting for a high-value Doughnutfruit
to pass under the branch. Still, in many cases, it’s best to always click as
soon as the Hasee lands.
-- Lumps of dung are show-spoilers, and can appear at just the moment that
Jimmi is about to snag a Fish Doughnutfruit for a bonus 400 points, driving
you to frustration. Watch out for the dung and learn to maneuver around it.
It is often possible to avoid the dung and still get the fruit you want with
some fancy mouse movements.
-- It is often worthwhile to move around a little to snag a few extra fruits
before you go for the high-value Doughnutfruit in front of you, and often means
the difference between getting 18 points and getting 108.
-- Timing is everything. New players who aren’t comfortable with the timing
will feel safer just grabbing a high-value fruit as it passes under their branch,
but after you’ve been playing for a while, it can really be worthwhile to purposely
miss the Doughnutfruit and rack up some other fruits on your way down, and then
snag the high-value fruit on the way up. This is split-second timing, so don’t
think it’ll be too easy to master, but with practice it should become second
nature. Just watch out for lumps of dung moving in at inopportune times…
-- Learning to control the Hasees while they are in the air is essential. You
need to learn to maneuver the Hasees with your mouse while they are in the air
so that they can really grab every fruit that is possible to get.
-- The Doughnutfruit and dung that appears are basically random. One game,
it may seem like there’s as much dung as there is Yellow Doughnutfruits, and
the next game you may be getting nothing but Flaming and Icy Doughnutfruits.
You’re bound to have a bad game once in a while, regardless of skill. And remember,
since it’s random, it’s completely likely that a game that appears to have been
going terribly will all change with a single opportune high-value Doughnutfruit!
-- Do not underestimate low-value Doughnutfruits. Believe it or not, most of
your score will come from Yellow Doughnutfruits. Low-scoring Doughnutfruits
are also useful for adding to your multiplier before you go for a high-value
Doughnutfruit. Take advantage of clusters of Yellow Doughnutfruits when you
see them and try to grab as many as you can. It may not seem like much, but
those points will add up!
-- Sometimes you have to touch some dung in order to get a valuable fruit.
It isn’t pretty, but it happens. Don’t be so afraid of the dung that you’ll
pass up a Fish Doughnutfruit to avoid it.
-- Keep an eye on the clock. Always begin collecting letters early in the game
to keep the time bar nice and long while you rack up points.
-- Before I conclude this article, I’d like to share a little code that will
prove invaluable in allowing you to make 3,000 NP a day from this game. Type
“doughnutfruit” once per game (preferably when the timer is almost empty) and
the clock will reset, effectively allowing you to play two games in one!
With this code, along with the other tips I have compiled here, you should
be well on your way to the High Score Tables, with the help of a couple of Hasees
and some Doughnutfruit!
Well, that’s that! My guide to this excellent game is complete! I hope that
I’ve encouraged many others to take fifteen minutes out of their Neopian excursion
and play a few rounds of Hasee Bounce, for some quick Neopoints and fun! Goodbye,
good luck, and may your clusters be large and valuable!
Author’s Note: If you are reading this, it means that I finally got an
article published in the Neopian Times! Yay! If you are not reading this...
well, what can I say?