Legend Seekers: Destiny Discovered - Part Five by yatomiyuka
Pemero barely had time to gasp before the world went black.
Villagers and tourists alike were dashing out
of the way, but not fast enough - many were swept under, and perished. It was
just too terrible - possibly the worst disaster in the history of the Island.
Thialma knew they would blame Pemero. Out of
the hundreds swept up, he alone would survive - and that would put him in a
very bad position. If nobody else was alive, and he had been on top of the volcano,
then his guilt would be proven beyond doubt.
Confidently, the Faerie took flight, and commanded
the lava to expand. It burst outwards in a flood of radioactive blue, covering
everything in sight, marring it beyond all recognition. Only a quarter of the
island remained untouched - and it was the unpopulated section.
"My job is done here," the Faerie said to herself,
and flew away. Just in case, she would have to lie low for a month or two. Being
the queen's favourite did have advantages, though - and who knew it would be
so easy to corrupt such a high council? Thialma did. She knew all the tricks,
all the little things she could do to win Fyora's favour - and it had worked
like a charm. But that wouldn't help her if the Queen found out, so hiding it
Just as planned, only one pet on the island survived
that day - a prodigal young adventurer with reflective fur and a big heart.
It had landed him in the deepest trouble imaginable, but it hadn't waned in
the slightest.
Pemero awoke to a soft, motherly voice calling
his name. His eyes widened instinctively, and he took in his surroundings -
a large, white room with a translucent glass roof and portraits of flowers on
every wall. One thing stood out in the young cub's mind, blotting out everything
before it - he had to warn someone!
"The volcano," he started. "It was going for
the village!"
"Shh," said the soft voice. He looked up, and
met the eyes of the Faerie Queen. Realising he hadn't made any sense, he kept
his mouth closed.
"What do you remember?" she asked.
"I was thrown into the volcano..." he started,
looking around the room for a second time. A pair of formidable-looking guards
were stationed near to the door. Fyora prompted him, and he went on, "And I
had to find an escape. So I pushed on the rock, and it collapsed. The magma
was blue..." He shook his head, as if to clear an absurd wandering thought.
"It's all fuzzy."
The Queen looked compassionate. "Well, it seems
you're not entirely to blame. Do you remember who - or what - threw you into
the volcano?"
"It was a Light Faerie. She'd been travelling
with me all along, but she turned out to be a traitor." He shuddered.
"Did you know her name?" asked Fyora.
"No, I never asked," said Pemero. "I'm sorry.
I really am."
"Don't worry. I'll look into it. You should know
that most of Neopia is after your blood - I can't tell them the truth, they
wouldn't believe it. Many of them don't realise that Faeries exist," said the
Faerie Queen, looking slightly worried.
"Wow... was it... was it really that bad?" choked
the cub.
"I'm afraid so," replied the Queen. "Take a look
for yourself."
Standing up for the first time proved difficult.
His legs felt like Jelly, and his balance was off - partly due to his injuries,
and partly due to fear.
The Faerie was gesturing to a window near to
the door. The guards stiffened imperceptibly as Pemero reached it, and leaned
out to get a good look at the ground below. The cloud had been positioned directly
over Mystery Island.
"I... uh... whoa." He gulped. "I didn't know
it was this bad." He hung his head at these words.
"It was not your fault, Pemero. You have nothing
to be ashamed about - you were tricked, that's all, and even we Faeries can
fall for a well-planned trap."
"Okay," said Pemero. He still felt bad, but knew
there was nothing to be done. It still hadn't sunk in - maybe it never would.
"I know you had a friend on the island," Fyora
started. "We're not certain yet, but it doesn't look like she got away."
"Jen..." he sighed. "I really am sorry. I'll
make up for this next time. I'll do you proud." The Kougra looked out over the
dead Island again. The forest was almost completely gone. There were no villages
left - only a plain of dark rock, and a clump of lonely trees in the far distance,
hiding the abandoned Geraptiku from view.
It was the only sign that the place had ever
been populated, by Neopets or otherwise.
"There's one more thing I have to tell you,"
Fyora said. This was it - the punishment. Pemero closed his eyes and waited
for the blow to fall.
"When we rescued you from the wreckage, you were
barely breathing. It took some very special magic to bring you back, and we
weren't sure that it would work." Fyora said, her tones more serious now than
they had been yet. "In fact, we were astounded that it did."
Pemero let his breath out. It looked like he
was going to be okay - but he didn't know what to say to that, so he remained
"It couldn't have worked without one key ingredient,"
Fyora said softly. "You have a magical core. In fact, half of all Neopets have
one - but they never realise it. It would be dangerous knowledge, and so it
has remained a secret for millenia past.
"What happened was that something reacted with
your magic, and brought it to life. If it hadn't, you would have died long before
we reached you."
"Why do I need to know all of this?" Pemero asked,
looking overwhelmed by this sudden news.
"You have to ask?" said the Faerie with a slight
chuckle. "Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know. Well, Neopet magic is only half as
powerful as Faerie magic - but it's much more flexible. You can train yourself
to do any number of things, while Faeries are limited to one elemental type."
"What does that mean?"
"It means," she said, "that with proper training,
you could achieve almost anything in the scope of a Neopet's experience."
Fyora signed a sheet of paper, and handed it
over to the guards, who left the room immediately.
"Now, there is the matter of where you're going
to stay. You can hardly go back home - you would be putting yourself and others
in danger. That is, until you're trained."
"I suppose I could stay in the neolodge?" Pemero
offered. "I still have enough points left for a few months..."
The Queen paused, apparently lost in thought.
"Hmm, well.... no, I don't think that would be a good idea. Since you'll be
on a special training course here in Faerieland, why not stay in my castle?
We always have several rooms free, in case of events like this."
"Really? Wow... uh, thanks. Can I do any chores
to make up the price?"
"There'll be no need for that! Everything you
get while staying here is free. You'll have plenty to do already," Fyora promised.
"You'll need a lot of willpower if you're going to succeed in this. That applies
to anything, really, but magic especially - it feeds on the spirit, so you have
to be as strong as you can."
"Okay," Pemero said. "I have to make up for what
happened, though. It's my debt to those who died for my naivete." Pemero's mind
was set - she could see that.
Maybe it was the loss of his friend that made
him seem so, but he looked much older than his years. The experience would count
for much in his development, but it would still weigh on his heart like a ton
of charcoal. There was nothing Fyora, or anyone, could do to change that - it
was his burden, and his alone.
"Okay. Well, after the course is done, you could
use your magic to help Neopia recuperate? I think that would help."
"But... can anything make up for what happened?"
Pemero wondered, mostly to himself.
"No, not really. I won't lie to you - nothing
will bring back the lives lost in the disaster. Having said that, you can make
a difference. While there are those who practice magic for evil ends, you could
be one of us, and work against them for the greater good."
Pemero agreed to the course, and vowed to himself
that his magic would never be used for wicked ends. It was a blessing, and should
be shared as such - rather than a curse. There was one thing he 'forgot' to
tell the Queen about, though...
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the parchment
that Thialma had confiscated. When she left the Island, the paper had returned
to him. He held it close to him always - for though it was blank, it held the
memory of a much-loved friend. Little did he know what power it held... he might,
one day. That day was years away, though, and the immediate future took up all
of Pemero's thinking space. So, rather than taking a closer look, he tucked
it safely back into his pocket and left the tower room.
The End