Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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Lupe Crackers

by jbear113

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Great stories!


The New Family Member
Ah, this is the life. Rolling around in the front yard with your Neopet, letting her fuss over you, feed you, paint you a fancy color, love you…what more could a Faerie Doglefox ask for?

by animalnutz1993


Legend Seekers: Destiny Discovered - Part One
She stretched, shook her black fur clean and hopped out of the boat lightly. She was startled as her feet touched sand, rather than the familiar carpet of her room. So, it hadn't been a dream. They must have reached land!

by yatomiyuka


Tomb Trouble
When the going gets tough...

Also by jelly_bean_qween

by sweetie_me274


Sweet covered his ears with his paws. "Okay, okay, do we really have to know all of that?" He glared at the faerie Acara who was yakking her mouth off with endless tales of style and who-knew-what...

by precious_katuch14

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